TM 11-6625-1683-15
Dimensions (in.)
part No., and mfr code
Depth Width Height
6625-926-7871 1
Lead, Electrical, CX-10451/PPS-5: SM-C-601714;
6625-926-7870 1
Lead, Electrical, CX-10452/PPS-5: SM-C-601727-2;
6625-990-2868 1
Panel, Test, Electrical, SB-3004/PPS-5:
SM-D-600888; 80063
5120079-4598 1
Tool, Insertion: M15513-20, SM-B-609917; 11139
5120-522-8601 1
Tool, Removal: M15515-20, SM-B-69918; 11139
The part number is followed by the applicable
5-digit Federal supply code for manufacturers
(FSCM) identified in SB708-42 and used to
identify manufacturer, distributor, or
Government agency, etc.
1-7. Description of Test Facilities Kit
the CY-6208/PPS-5.
d. Within the top half of the case, a hinged
retaining plate provides a compartment for the
consists of Test Facilities Kit Case CY-6208/
accessory kit and the technical manual. The
PPS5 containing Electrical Test Panel SB
retaining plate is secured by two quarter-turn
3004/PPS5 (test panel), an accessory kit, and
fasteners located along the edge opposite the
a copy of this manual.
1-8. Test Facilities Kit Case CY-6208/PPS-5
e. A flyleaf is hinged to the top of the retain-
ing plate. The normally exposed side of the
a. Test Facilities Kit Case CY-6208/PPS-5
fly-leaf contains brief operating instructions,
(fig. 1-1 ) is a
two-piece fiberglass
case. The
a test jack color code, and a listing of the com-
case serves both as a storage and transport case
ponents of the MK980/PPS5. The reverse
and as a means of mounting Electrical Test
side of the flyleaf displays a schematic diagram
Panel SB-3004/PPS-5 and storing the acces-
of Electrical Test Panel SB3004/PPS5. Two
sory kit.
snap fasteners on the free edge of the flyleaf
b. The top half of the CY-6208/PPS5 serves
secure it to the retaining plate.
as a waterproof cover when it is secured to the
bottom half by locking the eight latches. The
1-9. Electrical Test Panel SB-3004/PPS-5
gasket around the edge of the top half makes
a. Electrical Test Panel SB3004/PPS-5 is
the joint watertight under 3 feet of water. The
mounted in the bottom half of the CY6208/
relief valve permits air to leave the CY-6208/
PPS-5. The panel presents an array of test
PPS5 when the pressure inside exceeds that
circuits for testing Radar Set AN/PPS-5.
outside (as may happen, for example, during
b. The SB3004/PPS-5 is sectionalized into
air transport at high altitudes). A release but-
ton on the relief valve, when pressed, permits
23 blocks, each containing all necessary input
air to enter the CY-6208/PPS5 if the inside
points, output points, terminations, controls,
air pressure is lower and makes it easier to
components, power sources, and switching pro-
visions to enable a technician to conduct a spe-
cific test.
c. The hinges on the top half of the CY
6208/PPS-5 are separable from the hinge pins
c. Each test jack is color-coded, in addition
on the lower half, permitting the two halves to
to its adjacent functional marking. The color
be separated for convenience in use. Corner
Change 9