TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
Probable trouble
c. Defective resolver 1A1A1A13B1.
3 --Continued
replace if defective.
d. Defective FREQ SELECT switch
d. Check FREQ SELECT switch 1A1A1S5.
1A1A1S5 and replace if defective.
(approx 74 Vac) and output (26 Vac)
voltage. Replace 4 kHz generator if
input voltage is correct and output
voltage is abnormal.
f. Defective transformer 1A1A1T2.
replace if defective.
g. Defective RPM CONTROL transformer
g. Check RPM CONTRO transformer
1A1A1T1 and replace if defective.
h. Defective transformer 1A1A1T3.
replace if defective.
i. Defective dc power supply 1A1A1CR1.
i Check dc power supply 1A1A1CR1 and
replace defective components.
j. Defective dc motor 1A1A1A13B2.
j. Check dc motor 1A1A1A13B2 and
replace if defective.
k. Defective gear train 1A1A1A13.
k. Check gear train 1A1A1A13 and
replace defective component.
l. Defective FREQUENCY SELECT switch
1A1A1S4 and replace if defective.
m. Defective circuit breaker 1A1A1CB3 or
m. Check applicable circuit breaker and
1A1A1CB4 (depends on operating fre-
replace if defective.
quency of primary power).
n. Defective interlock switch 1A1A1S14 or
n. Check applicable interlock switch and
replace if defective.
mary power.)
o. Defective 60-Hz of 400-Hz circuit breaker
o. Check applicable circuit breaker and
1A1A1CB1 or 1A1A1CB2
replace if defective.
Before connecting test equipment, place all GROUP CASE POWER and POWER
switches to their OFF positions. Insert insulated extender pins (para 6-2e) over connector pins
which will be monitored. Connect test equipment and set the GROUP CASE POWER and POWER
switches to the applicable positions.
4 0-26 vac at 4 kHz is not available
Same as step 3 above
Same as step 3 above.
between 1A1A1J10-T and 8U when
resolver 1A1A1A13B1 is operating.
Before connecting test equipment, place all GROUP CASE POWER and POWER
switches to their OFF positions. Insert insulated extender pins (para 6-2e) over connector pins
which will be monitored. Connect test equipment and set the GROUP CASE POWER and POWER
switches to the applicable positions.
5 0-26 vac is not available between
Same as step 3 above, items a, d, and e.
Same as step 3 above, items a, d, and e.
1A1A1A13B1 is operating.
Before connecting test equipment, place all GROUP CASE POWER and POWER
switches to their OFF positions. Insert insulated extender pins (para 6-2e) over connector pins
which will be monitored. Connect test equipment and set the GROUP CASE POWER and POWER
switches to the applicable positions.
Change 2 6-8