Maintenance Category
B-1. General
T h i s appendix provides a summary of the
-- Operator/crew
maintenance operations covered in the equip-
- Organizational mainte-
m e n t literature for Test Facilities Kit MK
994/AR- It authorizes categories of mainte-
F ______
Direct support maintenance
nance for specific maintenance functions on
General support mainte-
repairable items and components and the tools
and equipment required to perform each func-
Depot maintenance
d. Toools and Equipment, The numbers ap-
tion- This appendix may be used as an aid in
planning maintenance operation-
pearing in this column refer to specific tools
and equipment which are identified by these
B-2. Explanation of Format for
numbers in section III.
Maintenance Allocation Chart
e. Remarks- Self-explanatory-
a. Group Number- Group numbers corre-
spond to the reference designation prefix as-
B-3. Explanation of Format for Tool and Test
Equipment Requirements
signed in accordance with ASA Y3Z-16, Elec-
trical and Electronics Reference Designations-
The columns in the tool and test equipment
They indicate the relation of listed items to the
requirements chart are as follows:
next higher aasembly-
a. Tools and Equipment. The numbers in
this column coincide with the numbers used in
b. Component Assembly Nomenclature.- This
the tools and equipment column of the MAC.
c o l u m n lists the item names of component
The numbers indicate the applicable tool for
units, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules
the maintenance function-
on which maintenance is authorized-
b. Maintenance Category- The codes in this
column indicate the maintenance category nor-
c- Maintenance Function- This column indi-
mally allocated the facility.
cates the maintenance category at which per-
c. Nomenclature. This column lists tools, test
formance of the specific maintenance function
and maintenance equipment required to per-
is authorized- Authorization to perform a func-
form the maintenance functions.
tion at any category also includes authoriza-
d. Federal Stock Number- This column lists
tion to perform that function at higher cate-
the Federal stock number.
gories- The codes used represent the various
e. Tool Number. Not used.
maintenance categories as follows:
change 1