TM 11-6625-1696-12
Power consumption
+ 630 V dc 32 V dc
Transmitter test facility
140 watts max.
+28Vdc 1.5 V dc
30 watts max.
+26 V dc 5.0 Vdc
10 watts max.
+12 V dc 1.0 Vdc
Receiver test facility
5 watts max.
-12 Vdc 1.0 Vdc
5 watts max.
+26 V dc 5.0 Vdc
10 watts max.
b. Temperature.
-17o C to 52o C (0o F to 125 o F).
Operating temperature range.
-48 o C to 68o C (-54o F to 155 o F).
Non-operating temperature range.
c. Altitude.
Maximum operating altitude.
10, 000 feet.
Maximum non-operating altitude.
25, 000 feet.
d. Humidity.
94 percent 4.
Maximum operating relative humidity.
1-11. Common Names
Nomenclatured units of the Test Facility Set AN/GRM-
names in this manual.
Nomenclature and common
95(V)2 are occasionally referred by their common
names are listed below.
Common name
Test Facility Set AN/GRM-95(V)2.
Test facility set
Panel, Test, Electrical CMC 622-800100-00.
Transmitter test facility
Panel, Test, Electrical CMC 622- 800028-000.
Receiver test facility
Accessory Kit, Test Facilities Set MK-1173(V)2/GRM-9,
Accessory kit
Case, Test Facility, Transmitter CMC407-702/2.
Transmitter test facility case
Case, Test Facility, Receiver CMC 407-18111.
Receiver test facility case
Case, Accessory Kit, CMC 407-70311.
Accessory kit case
Semiconductor device assembly diode CMC 220-
Power supply
Power Supply PP-6304/GRM-95(V)2.
2.RF modules test facility
Facility, Radio Frequency Modules TS-3837(V)2/GRM-9
Accessory kit, band 2, 3, and 4
Accessory Kit, Test MK- 1985(V)l/GRM-95(V)2
1-12. Description of Test Facilities Set
in the case. It can also be removed and installed in a
a The test facility set consists of five main units and
standard 19-inch relay rack. Cable assemblies, test
leads, adapter-connectors, dummy loads, impedance
seven test fixture units. Each unit is contained in a
matching networks, an airhose, and a power supply
weatherproof case fitted with a carrying handle and a
subassembly are stored in two layers in the other half of
manually operated, two-way pressure equalizing valve.
the transmitter test facility case (fig. 1-2). A location
The five main units of the test facility set are:
chart for the accessories is stenciled on the internal lid
(1) Test Facility, Transmitter TS-2866(V)2/
of the transmitter test facility case. This lid is shown
(2) Test Facility, Receiver TS-2867(V)2/ GRM-
c. Test Facility, Receiver TS-2867(V)2/ GRM-
95(V)2consistsofCase,Test Facility, Receiver CMC 407-
(3) Accessory Kit, Test Facilities Set MK-
181/1 and Panel, Test, Electrical CMC 622-800028-002
(receiver test facility) (fig. 1-3). The receiver test
facility mounts all the receiver test facility controls,
indicators, connectors, and the power cord for this
(5) Accessory Kit, Test MK-1985(V)l/ GRM-
section of the test facilities set. It is normally stored in
b. Test Facility, Transmitter TS-2866(V)2 GRM-
one- half of the receiver test facility case as shown in
figure 1-3 and can be
operated while in
the case. It
95(V)2consistsofCase,Tesl Facility, Transmitter CMC
also be removed and installed in a standard 19-inch
407-702/2 and Panel,
Test, Electrical CMC 622-
relay rack. Cable assemblies, adapter- connectors,
800100-000 (transmitter test facility) (fig. 1-1). The
dummy loads, a test lead, and an access cover plate are
transmitter test facility mounts all the transmitter test
stored in two layers in the other half of the receiver test
facility controls, indicators, connectors, and the power
cord for this section of the test facilities set. It is
normally stored in one-half of the transmitter test facility