TM 11-6625-2398-15-3
D-4. Location of Repair Parts
O--Repairable item. When uneconomically repairable,
a. This appendix contains two cross reference
condemn and dispose at organizational level.
indexes (sec V and sec VI) to be used to locate a repair
F-Repairable item. When uneconomically repairable,
part when either the Federal stock number, reference
condemn and dispose at the Direct Support Level.
number (manufacturer's part number), or reference
H-Repairable item. When uneconomically repairable,
designation is known. The first column in each index is
condemn and dispose at the General Support
prepared in numerical or alphanumeric sequence is
ascending order. Where a Federal stock number is not
D-Repairable item. When beyond lower level repair
listed, refer to the reference number (manufacturer's part
capability, return to depot. Condemnation and
numbers) immediately following the Federal stock
disposal not authorized below depot level.
L-Repairable item. Repair condemnation and disposal
b. When the Federal stock number or reference
not authorized below/Specialized Repair Activity
number is known, follow the procedures given in (1) and
(2) below.
A-Item requires special handling or condemnation
procedures because of specific reasons (i.e.,
(1) Refer to the index of Federal stock numbers
precious metal content, high dollar value, critical
and reference numbers (see V) and locate the Federal
material or hazardous material).
stock number or reference number. The Federal stock
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the Federal
number or reference number is cross-referenced to the
stock number assigned to the item and will be used for
applicable figure and reference designation.
requisitioning purposes.
(2) When the reference designation is deter-
c. Description. Indicates the Federal item name and
mined, refer to the reference designation index (see VI).
any additional description of the item required. A part
The reference designations are listed in alpha-numeric
number or other reference number is followed by the
ascending order and are cross-referenced to the page
number on which they appear in the repair parts list (sec II
manufacturers in parentheses.
or III). Refer to the page number noted in the index and
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). A two-character alpha-
locate the reference designation in the repair parts list
betic abbreviation indicating the amount or quantity of the
(col. 7b, Repair Parts for organizational Maintenance or
item upon which the allowances are based; e.g., ft, ea, pr,
col. 10b, Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support
and Depot Maintenance).
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit.
Indicates the
c. When the reference designation is known, follow
quantity of the item used in the AN/TPM-24(V)3.
the procedures given in b(2) above.
Subsequent appearances of the same item in the same
assembly are indicated by the letters "REF".
d. When neither the Federal stock number,
f. Allowances (15-Day Organizational Maintenance,
reference number, nor reference designation is known,
SO-Day DS/GS Maintenance, 1 Year Per Equipment
identify the part in the illustration and follow directions
Contingency, and Depot Maintenance). Items authorized
given in c above or scrutinize column 3 of the repair parts
for requisition as required are identified by an asterisk in
lists (see II and sec III).
the allowance columns.
D-5. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
g. Illustrations.
The last line on the Description column indicates the
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure number
applicable Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM)
of the illustration in which the item is shown.
in parentheses. The FSCM is used as an element in item
(2) Item number or reference designation.
identification to designate manufacturer or distributor or
Indicates the reference designation used to identify the
Government agency, etc., and is identified in SB 70842.
item in the illustration.
(Next printed page is D-5)
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