TM 11-6625-928-12
e. Set the ME-26 B/U controls for 50 volts ac
2-5. Types of Operation
and connect the multi meter to the maintenance
The MK-994/AR and MK-994A/AR are used to
kit ADF TEST RCVR connector J21.
test and repair the avionics equipment listed in
f. Set the maintenance kit ADF TEST selector
per MK-994/AR or MK-994A/AR test set-up as
switch to position 6.
identified in its individual technical manual- Refer
g. Set the maintenance kit AC and DC
to DA Pam 310-1 for identification of proper
POWER circuit breakers to ON. The AC and DC
editions of these manuals-
P O W E R indicator lamps should light and the
2-6. Preliminary Starting Procedures
h- Set the maintenance kit AC and DC
Peform the preliminary starting procedures out-
POWER circuit breakers to OFF- The indicator
l i n e d below before operating the maintenance
l a m p s and the multimeter should indicate no
power presence.
a. Place the maintenance kit on a clean work-
bench, and remove the hinged lid by unlatching
and sliding it to the right until the hinges (fig-
nance kit and proceed with the applicable proce-
d u r e s stipulated in the applicable equipment
technical manual.
b. Set the maintenance kit AC and DC
POWER circuit breakers to OFF.
c- Connect dc power cable CX10886/AR
(W22) as follows:
To avoid transistor or integrated circuit
(1) Connect cable connector W22P1 to main-
damage, make sure that all power
tance kit connector J28-
switches are OFF when changing cable
connections- Check source voltages and
(2) Connect the two alligator clips at the op-
polarity before making connections-
posite end of cable W22 to a suitable +27.5-volt
power source- The dc power source should be
v a r i a b l e and adjusted to 28 volts + .5, .0 to
compensate for dc losses attributable to internal
wiring of the maintenance kit-
Rf losses in the maintenance kit must be
c o n s i d e r e d when measuring receiver
d. As required, connect ac power cable CX-
s e n s i t i v i t y and rf power output- The
10887/AR (W23) as follow's:
maintenance kit losses (including inter-
( 1 ) Connect cable connector W23P1 to
connecting cables) are approximately 22
maintenance kit POWER connector J27.
db and 3 db respectively for these tests-
( 2 ) Connect cable connector W23P2 to a
These losses should be verified for each
suitable 115-volt, 400-Hz single-phase power re-
maintenance kit when performing these
Change 5
2- 1 3/(2-1 4 blank)