TM 11-6625-928-12
3 8 . Touchup Painting Instructions
c. Remove dust and dirt from plugs and jacks
with a brush-
Remove rust and corrosion from metal surfaces
Caution: Do not press on the meter face
by lightly sanding them with fine sandpaper-
B r u s h two thin coats of paint on the bare
(glass) when cleaning; the meter may become
metal to protect it from further corrosion- Re-
d- Clean the front panel, meters, and control
fer to the applicable cleaning and refinishing
practices specified in TM 746-10-
knobs; use a soft clean cloth- If dirt is difficult
to remove, dampen the cloth with water; mild
soap may be used for more effective cleaning-
P e r f o r m the checks and corrective measures
3 9 . Troubleshooting
in the troubleshooting chart- If the corrective
Troubleshooting o f t h e m a i n t e n a n c e k i t i s
measures indicated do not result in correcting
based on the operational checks contained in
t h e trouble, higher category maintenance is
t h e daily preventive maintenance checks and
required- It is assumed that the repair facility
services chart- To troubleshoot the equipment,
ac and direct current (de) power sources are
operating correctly, this item is not listed in
6 . Proceed through this paragraph until an
the Checks and corrective measures column of
abnormal condition or result is observed- When
the troubleshooting chart.
a n abnormal condition or result is observed,
3-10. Troubleshooting Chart
Checks and correction, measurement
Trouble sysptom
Probable trouble
Defective AC POWER Indicator Replace AC POWER indicator lamp
AC POWER indicator lamp
or replace ac power cable ( W2X )
lamp or defective power cable
does not light-
(W23)- CX-10887/AR-
DC POWER indicator lamp
Defective DC POWER lndicator Rt'place DC POWER Indicator lamp
or replace dc power cable ( W22 )
does not liRht-
lamp or defective dc power cable
(W22)- C X - 1 0 8 8 6 / A R .
Unable to operate equipment
Defective interconnecting cables, Inter- Replace interconnecting cables, Inter-
under test due to absence of
connecting Box J-4247/AR, or COMM
connecting Box, or COMM CONT
test signals or primary power.
Unable to perform basic adf test
Defective HOhlING/-ADF/GYRO-
or homing test due to loss of
visual output-
Unable to perform basic 115 volt
Blown fuse (Fl) in J-4247/AR or defec-
Replace fuse in ,J-42417/AR or AC
tive AC power cable (W23) CX-
400 Hz Radio Set panel light
power cable (W23).
3 - 1 1 - Repairs
Repair procedures available to the organizational maintenance repairman are limited to replacement of
the front panel indicator lamps (provided as spare parts), C-6533/ARC, ID-1351/A, J4247/AR, and fuse
F1 contained in J-4247/AR- Front panel indicator lamps are replaced as follows:
a- Turn the lens counterclockwise and remove it to expose the defective lamp-
b- Pull out the defective lamp from within the lens and replace it with a new one. Push the lamp
in until it is seated securely within the lens.
c- Replace the lens and screw it in clockwise until secure.
Change 5