TM 11-6625-1683-15
wise (CW ), and then. release the tab. The latch
2-1. Unpacking
hook will move down and away from the latch
a. Packaging Data. When packed for ship-
groove in the lower half as follos:
ment, Test Facilities Kit MK-980/PPS-5 is
c. Remove the top half of the case from the
bottom half as follows: raise the top half at
been lined with waterproof paper and padded
the front as high as it will go on the hinges
with filler material. The inside of the box is
(at the back), then lower the top half until it
25 inches long by 20 inches wide by 19
almost rests on its feet. In this position, the
inches high. The box has a volume of 2.9 cubic
feet and weighs 60 pounds.
engaged from the hinge pins on the bottom
b. Removing Contents of Packing Box. Open
the wooden box, and remove Test Facilities Kit
d. Check to
see that there is a
flyleaf (fig.
MK980/PPS-5 as follows:
(1-1 )
containing printed operating instruc-
(1) Cut and fold back the metal straps.
tions hinged to the retaining plate in the top
Caution: Do not attempt to pry open
because the equipment may become
e. Open the accessory kit compartment as
follows: release the two quarter-turn fasteners
(2) With a nailpuller, pull the nails out
on the retaining plate by turning them one-
of the wooden cover of the box, and
quarter turn counterclockwise (C C W); then use
take off the cover.
the fasteners to lift the plate up and swing it
(3) Open the waterproof paper wrapping.
back as far as will go.
(4) Remove the top and side filler pads.
f. Check to see that the accessory kit com-
(5) L i f t out Test Facilities Kit MK-
partment contains an accessory kit pouch (fig.
l-l) and a
copy of TM
(6) Salvage the box and filler pads f o r
future reuse for shipment or lim d
g. Remove the pouch from the compartment,
and close the compartment by lowering the re-
taining plate into place and securing it with
the two quarter-turn fasteners. (To lock a fas-
2-2. Opening Test Facilities Kit
tener, press it down and turn it clockwise
one-quarter turn.)
a. Press and release the button on the relief
the accessory kit pouch.
b. Open the eight latches as follows: pull
Note. In removing the accessories from the pouch,
each spring-loaded latch tab out to its fully
observe how they are stowed so that they can be put
extended position, turn it one-half turn clock-
back in the pouch as they were
AGO 7918A