TM 11-6625-1683-15
to Battery Box CY3871/PPS5, or to Power
5. Connect the test panel to Power Supply
PP4450/PPS5 as follows:
S u p p l y PP4450,PPS5 for operating power.
(1) Take the 115 VAC power cord off its
a. Connecting Electrical Test Panel S B
3O04/PPS5 to 115 Volts Ac. Connect the test
(2) Coil the power cord, and put the coil
panel to 115 volts ac as follows:
beside or in back of the case.
(1) Take the 115 VAC power cord off its
(3) Check to see that the INPUT POW-
(2) Check to see that the INPUT POWER
(4) R e m o v e the protective cap from the
plug on the radar power supply out-
( 3 ) Connect the power cord to a source
p u t cable by pulling on the lanyard
of 115 volts ac.
attached to it.
(5) Align the keyslot in the output cable
b. Connecting Electrical Test Panel SB-
plug with the key on the 6 VDC jack
to B a t t e r y B o x C Y 3 8 7 1 /
on the SB3004/PPS-4 test panel;
P P S 5 . Connect the test panel to Battery Box
then push the plug into the jack until
CY-3871/PPS-5 as follows:
they snap-lock together.
(1) Take the 115 VAC power cord off its
(6) Connect the external power cable of
t h e radar power supply to either a
(2) Coil the power cord, and put the coil
6- or a 24-volt dc source, connecting
beside or in back of the case.
the clip with the red hood to the posi-
(3) Check to see that the INPUT POWER
tive ( + ) terminal of the source and
t h e clip with the black hood to the
n e g a t i v e ( ) terminal. (Clean the
(4) A t the bottom of Battery Box C--
t e r m i n a l s first, if necessary, with a
3 8 7 1 / P P S - 5 , disconnect the battery
w i r e brush or a terminal cleaning
cable connector from the dummy plug
tool. )
by pulling on the lanyard attached to
(7) If the source is 24 volts dc, check to
the cable connector.
see that the toggle switch on the ra-
(5) U n w r a p t h e b a t t e r y c a b l e f r o m t h e
dar power supply is set to 24V; if the
s t o w a g e hook on the bottom of the
source is 6 volts dc, check to see that
battery box, align the keyslot in the
the toggle switch is at 6V.
b a t t e r y cable plug with the key on
Note. The radar power supply and the test
the 6 VDC jack on the SB-3004/
panel are both protected against overvoltage,
P P S - 5 , and then push the plug into
undervoltage, and incorrect polarity; there-
the jack until they snap-lock together.
fore, no damage will be done to the equipment
if the radar power supply clips are not con-
c. Connecting Electrical Test Panel SB
nected correctly or are connected to a source
3 0 0 4 / P P S - 5 to Power Supply PP-4450/PPS-
other than 6 or 24 volts dc.
AGO 7918A