TM 11-6625-1683-15
3-4. Block 800 (Aft Amplifier Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
ON/OFF switch -------------------
Connects pin F of connector 800 to 5 volts, pin H to +12 volts,
pin E to +6 volts, and pin L to +110 v to energize block 800
Disconnect dc supply voltages from connector 300, and connects
them to ground through resistive load equal to that of block
800 afc amplifier.
Provides connection for observation of unfiltered output from block 800
AFC test jack (blue) --------------
afc amplifier to local oscillator (lo) in afc mixer circuits.
Provides connection to pin B to observe filtered output of block 800 afc
CONT-IND test jack (blue) --------
amplifier to test meter on control-indicator.
Provides connection to pin D to observe unfiltered output of block 800 afc
RCVR-XMTR test jack (blue) ------
Provides connection for measurement of dc voltage output from AFC
GAIN test jack (purple) -----------
GAIN CONTROL potentiometer in block 800 afc amplifier to afc pre-
amplifier (block 200).
Provides connection for CX-11430/PPS-5.
Connector 800 (11-pin) _________
3-5. Block 1200 (Relay Control Circuit Board Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
Connects 5 v to pin H of connector 1200 to energize 60-second
ON/OFF switch ___________________
thermal time delay relay on block 1200 relay control board.
Indicates time delay lockout relay on block 1200 board has been
DLY indicator light (clear) ---------
energized by 60-second thermal time delay relay.
LV indicator light (clear) ----------
Indicates that low voltage cutout relay on block 1200 relay con-
trol board has been energized by low-voltage cutout (which
indicates 6-volt supply voltage is not too low and permits it
to pass to radar circuits).
Indicates drive control relay has been energized and its contacts
DRIVE indicator light (clear) _____
have transferred.
Indicates presence of 6 volts at pin J of connector 1200, which
FWD/REV indicator light (clear) ___
indicates that gate position relay on block 1200 relay board
has been energized and has transferred its contacts to the
position required during right-to-left sweep of radar antenna.
Connects pin L of connector 1200 to 6 volts to energize gate
FWD/REV switch _________________
position relay (a latching relay) on block 1200 relay board and
transfer its contacts to position required during left-to-right
Connects pin K of connector 1200 to 6 volts to energize gate
position relay and transfer its contacts to position required
during right-to left sweep of antenna.
ON (up) Connects pin E of connector 1200 to 6 volts to energize drive
DRIVE switch ---------------------
control relay on block 1200 relay board.
When turned in direction of INCR arrow (from fully ccw position), pro-
LV control ------------------------
vides increasing voltage up to 6 volts to pin A of connector 1200 to
test operation of low-voltage cutout circuit and relay on block 1200 relay
AGO 7918A