C 3, TM 11-6625-1683-15
Control or indicator
Open (pushbutton
Indicates possible short circuit in block 2300 con-
verter or in radar set component being tested and
deriving power from block 2800 converter.
Closed (pushbutton Connects block 2800 connector and block 900 con-
CONTROL push breaker -----------
pressed down ).
nector to
6 volts (by RCVR-XMTR switch
breaker) and protects block 2800 azimuth counter
assembly and block 900 motor control circuits from
short circuits and from input power voltages in
excess of 6 volts during test.
Open (pushbutton Indicates possible short circuit in block 2800 azimuth
counter assembly or block 900 motor control cir-
cuits being tested or in test panel circuits, or indi-
cates input voltage in excess of 6 volts.
Closed (pushbutton Connects one side of 115-volt power input to ac-to-dc
MAIN PWR push breaker ---------
pressed down),
converter in test panel INPUT POWER circuits
and protects INPUT POWER circuits from input
ac power in excess of 115 volts.
Open (pushbutton Indicates possible short circuit in INPUT POWER
`circuits or input ac power in excess of 115 volts.
3-14. REMOTE CABLE Block (Remote Cable Test) Connectors
Control or indicator
Provides connection for male connector of remote cable and connects con-
Female connector -------------
ductors of cable in series.
Provides connection for female connector of remote cable and connects
Male connector ---------------------
conductors of cable in series.
TEST jack (white) ---------------
Provides connection to pin r of male connector to check for voltage
out of series-connected conductors of cable.
3-15. Block 2200 (B-Scope Display Circuits Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
Connects pin 11 of larger of block 2200 connectors to +12
ON/OFF switch -------------------
volts, pin 10 to 12 volts, and pin 6 to +35 volts to ener-
gize block 2200 B-display circuits.
Disconnects dc supply voltages from larger of block 2200 con-
nectors and connects them to a resistive load equal to that
of block 2200 circuits.
6 volts to pin 11 of smaller of block 2200 con-
NORM/MTI switch ------------------
nectors to energize mti/normal selector relay, transferring
its contacts to position required for display of normal video.
Disconnects 6 volts from mti/normal selector relay in block
2200 circuits, allowing contacts to remain in position re-
quired for display of mti video.
Provides connection to pin 3 of smaller of block 2200 connectors to inject
MARK test jack (green) ___________
range gate marker pulse into block 2200 circuits.