C 3, TM 11-6625-1683-15
3-10. Block 2700 (Range Gated Filter Assembly Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
Connects pin J of connector 2700 to 12 volts and pin K to
ON/OFF switch -------------------
+12 volts to energize block 2700 rgf circuits.
Disconnects dc supply voltages from connector 2700 and con-
nects voltages to ground through a resistive load equal to
that of block 2700 rgf assembly.
Provides connection to pin L of connector 2700 for observation
VIDEO test jacks ------------------
of video output of block 2700 rgf assembly.
Provides connection to pin E of connector 2700 to inject video
test signal into block 2700 rgf assembly.
Provides connection to pin C of connector 2700 for observation of trigger
TRIG test jack (blue) ______________
output from rgf assembly (delayed 6.667 usec by delay line in rgf
Provide connection to pin H of connector 2700 to observe trigger pulse
TRIG test jacks (blue, two on lower
injected by trigger amplifier Z3 to gate on rgf subassemblies in block
right side of test panel).
2700 rgf assembly.
Provides connection for CX-10437/PPS-5.
Connector 2700 (l0-pin) ------------
3-11. Block 500 (Gate Generator Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
Connects pin 8 of connector 600 to +12 volts and pin 9 to -6
ON/OFF switch -------------------
volts to energize block 500 gate generator.
Disconnects dc supply voltages from connector 600 and con-
nects voltages to ground through a resistive load equal to
that of block 500 gate generator.
On (up)
Connects 6 volts to pin 7 of connector 500 to energize gate
GATE POSITION switch ----------
position relay, transferring its contacts to position required
during right-to-left sweep of antenna and for narrow (40-
meter) range gate operation.
Off (down) Disconnects 6 volts from pin 7 of connector 600, permitting
gate position relay contacts to stay in position required
during left-to-right sweep of antenna.
Connects pin 1 of connector 600 to +6v, preventing block
On (up)
BLANK switch --------------------
600 gate generator from producing gate output (at pin 10
of connector 600) in response to trigger input at pin 8.
Off (down Removes + 6V from pin 1 of connector 500, llowing block
600 gate generator to produce gate output.
Provides connection to pin 10 of connector 500 for observation of gate
GATE test jack (blue) -------------
input of block 600 gate generation.
Provides connection for CX-10445/PPS-6.
Connector 600 (n-pin) _____________