TM 11-6625-1683-15
Control or indicator
Off (down) Disconnects pin 5 of upper block 2100 connector from 6
volts to deenergize sweep selector relay, sweep length se-
lector relay, and gate width selector relay, allowing their
contacts to remain in position required during long sweep
VID test jack (green) ____________ Provides connection to pin 1 of upper block 2100 connector for injection
of video test signal into block 2100 A-scope display circuits.
Provides connection to pin 11 of lower block 2100 connector for observa-
VID test jack (blue) ---------------------
tion of video output from block 2100 circuits to A-scope upper deflection
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Provides connection to pin 5 of lower block 2100 connector for observation
TRIG test jack
of range trigger output from block 2100 circuit to range gate generator
Provides connection to pin 10 of upper block 2100 connector to measure
V CTR test jack ( r e d ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
voltage output from vertical centering control of block 2100 circuits.
SWP test jacks (blue) _____ ________ Provide connections to pins 6 and 7 of upper block 2100 connector for
observation of sweep voltage outputs from block 2100 circuits to A-scope
horizontal deflection plates.
BLANK test jack (blue) ___________ Provides connection to pin 3 of upper block 2100 connector for observation
of unblinking gate output from block 2100 circuits to A-scope.
MARK test jack (blue) ____________ Provides connection to pin 8 of lower block 2100 connector for observation
of range gate marker pulse output from block 2100 circuits to B-scope.
2100 connectors (n-pin) ----------- Provide connection for CX-10441/PPS-5.
3-17. Block 900 (Motor Control Circuit Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
Connects pin 6 of block 900 connector to +6 volts, pin 7 to
ON/OFF switch ----------------------------
+12 volts, and pin 5 to -- 5 volts to energize block 900
motor control circuits.
Disconnects dc supply voltage from pins of block 900 con-
nector, and connects them to a resistive load equal to that
of block 900 circuits.
FWD/REV switch_________________ FWD
Connects pin 1 of block 900 connector to ground, pin A of the
2-pin drive motor jack (under hinged cover marked 1000)
to 6 volts, and pin B of drive motor jack to ground.
Connects pin 1 of block 900 connector to 6 volts, pin A of
drive motor jack to ground, and pin B of drive motor jack
to 6 volts.
Disconnects pin 1 of block 900 connector and both pin A and
pin B of drive motor jack from dc voltage and from ground.
Connects pin 2 of block 900 connector to 6 volts to ener-
REV A/REV B switch____________ REV A
gize automatic-scan direction relay (latching relay), trans-
ferring its contacts to position required for left-to-right
Connects pin 3 of block 900 connector to 6 volts to energize
automatic-scan direction relay, transferring its contacts to
position required for right-to-left sweep of antenna.
Connector 900 (15-pin) ____________ Provides connection for CX10432/PPS-5.