TM 11-6625-1683-15
4-1. Scope of Maintenance
l i n e functions to be performed at specific
The duties assigned to organizational main-
i n t e r v a l s . These checks and services are to
t e n a n c e for Test Facilities Kit MK-980/PPS-
maintain Army electronic equipment in a com-
5 are indicated in a through h below. Also noted
b a t serviceable condition; that is in good
are references to the paragraphs covering the
general (physical) and in good operating con-
specific maintenance function.
d i t i o n . To assist in maintaining combat serv-
a. Daily preventive maintenance checks and
i c e a b i l i t y , the charts indicate what to check,
how to check, and what the normal conditions
are. The References column lists the illustra-
b. Weekly preventive maintenance checks
t i o n s , paragraphs, or manuals that contain
d e t a i l e d repair or replacement procedures. If
c. Monthly preventive maintenance checks
t h e defect cannot be remedied by performing
t h e corrective actions indicated, higher cate-
d. Quarterly preventive maintenance checks
g o r y maintenance or repair is required. Rec-
ords and reports of these checks and services
must be made in accordance with the require-
e. Cleaning
ments set forth in TM 38750.
4-4 Preventive Maintenance Checks and
Services Periods
Preventive maintenance checks and services
4-2. Test Equipment Required
of the MK980/PPS5 are required daily,
weekly, monthly, and quarterly.
ganizational maintenance.
a. Paragraph 45
specifies checks and serv-
ices that must be accomplished daily and under
4-3. Preventive Maintenance
the special conditions listed below:
Preventive maintenance is the systematic
( 1 ) When the equipment is initially in-
care, servicing, and inspection of equipment to
p r e v e n t the occurrence of trouble, to reduce
( 2 ) When the equipment is reinstalled
d o w n t i m e , and to assure that the equipment
after removal for any reason.
is serviceable.
(3) At least once each week if the equip-
m e n t is maintained in standby con-
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given in
systematic care and cleaning essential to prop-
b. P a r a g r a p h s 4 6 , 4 7 , a n d 4 8 s p e c i f y
er upkeep and operation of the equipment.
a d d i t i o n a l checks and services that must be
performed on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Serv-
basis, respectively.
ices. The preventive maintenance checks and
AGO 7918A