TM 11-6625-1683-15
Control or indicator
Provides connection to pin 10 of smaller of block 2200 connectors to inject
VID B test jack (green) ____________
video input into block 2200 circuits.
Provides connection to pin 21 of larger of block 2200 connectors forobser-
VID RGF test jack (blue) _________
vation of video output from block 220 circuits to rgf circuits (block
2700) .
Provides connection to pin 4 of larger of block 2200 connectors for obser-
VID SEL test jack (blue) ---------
vation of selected (mti or normal) video output of block 2200 circuits.
Provides connection to pin 20 of larger of block 2200 connectors to inject
VID IN test jack (green) __________
test video into block 2200 circuits.
Left side: Provides connection to pin 7 of smaller of block 2200 con-
SWP test jacks (blue) _____________
nectors for observation of sweep voltage output from block
2200 circuits.
Right side: Provides connection to pin 6 of smaller of block 2200 con-
nectors for observation of sweep voltage output from block
2200 circuits.
Provides connection to pin 3 of larger of block 2200 connectors for obser-
BLANK test jack (blue) ___________
vation of unblinking gate output from block 2200 circuits to cathode
of B-scope.
Provide connection to pin 2 of smaller of block 2200 connectors for
ASTIG test jack (red) _____________
measurement of output voltage from astigmatism control in block 2200
circuits to B-scope.
Provides connection of pin 8 of larger of block 2200 connectors for obser-
B VID test jack (blue )____________
vation of video output from block 2200 circuits to B-scope.
Provide connections to pins 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18 of larger of block 2200
MT1 teat jacks (green _____________
connectors to inject test mti video into block 2200 circuits.
Provide connection for CX-10442/PPS-5.
2200 connectors (11-pin and 22-pin) ---
3-16. Block 2100 (A-Scope Display Circuits Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
Connects pins 4 and 6 of lower block 2100 connector to +12
ON/OFF switch --------------------
volts, pin 2 to 12 volts, and pin 9 of upper block 2100
connector to +35 volts to energize block 2100 A-scope dis-
play circuits.
Disconnects dc supply voltages from block 2100 connectors
and connects them to a resistive load equal to that of block
2100 circuits.
Connects pin 7 of lower block 2100 connector to 6 volts to
On (up)
MARKER switch --------------------
energize marker width selector relay, transferring its con-
contacts to position required for wide range gate operation.
Connects pin 9 of lower block 2100 connector to --6 volta to
On (up)
GATE DELAY switch --------------
energize delay relay (for range gate marker pulse delay),
transferring its contacts to position required during right-
Off (down) Disconnects pin 9 of lower block 2100 connector from 6
volts, letting delay relay contacts remain in position re-
quired during left-to-right antenna sweep.
Connects pin 5 of upper block 2100 connector to --6 volts to
SAP LENGTH switch -------------
On (up)
energize three relays, the sweep selector, sweep length
selector, and gate width selector, and to transfer their con-
tacts to the position required during short sweep operation.