C6, TM 11-6625-1683-15
Control or indicator
Provides connection to measure dc voltage applied to pin A of connector
LV test jack (purple) ---------------
1200 by LV control.
Provides connection for CX-10433/PPS-5.
Connector 1200 (14-pin) -------------
3-6. Block 400 (Boxcar and Audio Amplifier Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
Connects pin 6 of connector 400 to 5 volts, pin 4 to +12 volts,
ON/OFF switch -------------------
and pin 8 to + 6 volts to energise block 400 boxcar and audio
Disconnects dc supply voltages from connector 400 and connects
them to ground through resistive load equal to that of block
400 amplifier.
Connects pin 14 of connector 400 to 6 volts to energize gate
NAR/W switch -------------------
width selector relay in block 400 amplifier to transfer its con-
tacts to position required for narrow (40-meter) range gate.
Disconnects pin 14 of connector 400 from dc voltage, leaving
contacts of gate width selector relay in block 400 in position
required for wide (300-meter) range gate.
When turned in direction of INCR arrow (from fully ccw position),
GAIN control ---------------------
applies up to 5 volts to pin 3 of connector 400 to increase gain of
audio amplifier circuits in block 400, which increases strength of signal
at phone jack in AUDIO test block on test panel.
Provides connection to measure strength of target signal output from
SIG test jack (blue) -------------
block 400 amplifier to test meter on receiver-transmitter.
Provides connection for injecting teat video signal into block 400 ampli-
V I D test jack (green) --------
fier at pin 11 of connector 400.
Provides connection for injecting test gate pulse at pin 10 of connector
jack (green)--------
400 to gate the outputs of block 400 amplifier (audio output to phone
jack in AUDIO block on test panel and signal strength output at SIG
jack on test panel).
Provides headphone connection for audio output of block 400 amplifier.
AUDIO phone jack (in lower right
corner of test panel).
Provides connection for CX-1044/PPS-5.
Connector 400 (17-pin) --------------
3-7. Block 600 (Modulator Test) Controls and Indicators
Control or indicator
Connects pin 8 of connector 600 to +300 volts, pin 14 to -5
ON/OFF switch -------------------
volts, and pin 6 to +12 volts to energize block 600 modula-
tor circuits.
Disconnects dc supply voltages from connector 400, and con-
nects them to ground through a resistive load equal to that
of block 600 modulator.
Left jack: Provides connection to pin 10 of connector 600 for measuring
MAG I test jacks (yellow) -------------
current of signal sent to test meter on receiver-transmittal,
indicates magnetron firing-pulse