C 5, TM 11-6625-1683-15
3-12. Block 700 (Receiver-Transmitter Power Converter Test) Indicators
Control or indicator
Provides connection to pin 9 of connector 700 for measurement of -600-
-600 test.jack (purple) -------------
volt output of block 700 power converter. S e e p a r a 1 - 1 1 d ( 4 ) ( h ) )
Provides connection to pin 8 of connector 700 for measurement of + 800-
+880 test jack (red) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
volt output of block 700 converter (+330 volt if transformer lead is
connected to 14A).
+110 test jack (red) ---------------- Provides connection to pin 7 of connector 700 for measurement of +110-
volt output of block 700 converter.
+12 test jack (red) --------------- Provides connection to pine 6 and 12 of connector 700 for measurement
of +12-volt output of block 700 converter.
+6 test jack (red) ---------------- Provides connection to pin 6 of connector 700 for measurement of +6-volt
output of block 700 converter.
-5 test jack (purple) ------------- Provides connection to pins 9 and 15 of connector 700 for measurement
of regulated - 5-vo1t output of block 700 power converter.
-6 test jack (purple) -------------- Provides connection to pins 10 and 19 of connector 700 for measurement
of -6-volt input from INPUT POWER block circuits to block 700
power converter via RCVR-XMTR switch breaker.
G N D test jack (black) ------------- Provides connection pins 1, 13, and 14 of connector 700 for connection
to ground of block 700 converter in measuring dc voltage outputs of the
S Y N C test jack (blue) ------------- Provides connection to pin 16 of connector 700 for observation of timing
pulse output from block 700 power converter to modulator (block 600)
of radar set and for use as sync pulse for test equipment when testing
radar set.
Provides connection for block 700 power converter (marked PWR, CONV.
Connector 700 (20-pin beneath block
700 in well).
3-13 CIRCUIT BREAKERS Block Controls
Control or Indicator
Connects-6-volt power to all teat circuits on test
RCVR-XNTR switch breaker--------------
panel and to CONT-IND push breaker and to
CONTROL push breaker; connects pin 20 (-6 volt
return) of connector 700 to ground on test panel;
protects block 700 power converter and all radar
set components connected to test panel (except
block 2800 azimuth counter assembly and block 900
motor control) from short circuits and from input
voltage in excess of -6 volts.
Disconnects all test circuits on test panel from -6-
OFF (down)
volt power and disconnects block 700 power con-
verter from test panel ground; indicates possible
short circuit in radar set component being tested
or in test panel circuits, or indicates input voltage
exceeds -6 volts.
CONT-IND push breaker---------------
Closed (pushbutton
Connects block 2300 control-indicator power converter
pressed down). t o - 6 - v o l t p o w e r ( b y R C V R - X M T R s w i t c h
breaker) and protects block 2300 converter from
short circuits and input voltage in excess of -6