TM 11-6625-1683-15
Care must be taken to prevent the entry of
associated lenses are integral.
To remove these
m o i s t u r e into connector contact openings or
l a m p elements for inspection
or replacement,
any other openings in the test panel.
g r a s p the knurled edge with
the fingers and
r o t a t e them counterclockwise
to unscrew the
e. To gain access for cleaning the interior of
of the case, remove the 16 machine screws and
4-10. Touchup Painting
the test panel; then carefully lift the panel out
a. R e m o v e r u s t a n d c o r r o s i o n f r o m m e t a l
of the case.
surfaces by lightly sanding them with fine
f. Remove the block 700 power converter
sandpaper. Brush two thin coats of enamel on
f r o m its well (fig. 41) in the test panel by
the bare metal to protect it from further cor-
loosening the two diagonally positioned corner
rosion. Refer to applicable cleaning and refin-
screws on the face of the power converter unit.
ishing practices specified in TB SIG 364 and
These are captive screws and are a part of the
TM 9-213.
b l o c k 700 power converter. When the screws
a r e disengaged from their mating nuts in the
impregnated and requires no touchup for main-
test panel, the power converter can be lifted out
of its well. This separates the two sections of a
m u l t i - p i n connector which interconnects the
4-11. Lubrication
p o w e r converter and the test panel circuits.
No lubrication is required.
W i t h the power converter extracted, its well
c a n be cleaned. Vacuum cleaning is the pre-
4-12. General Troubleshooting Information
ferred method.
Troubleshooting this equipment is based
g. To remove the block 2300 power con-
u p o n the operational check contained in the
daily preventive maintenance checks and serv-
t h e four retaining screws located in the cor-
ices chart. To troubleshoot the equipment, per-
ners of the face plate of the power converter
f o r m all functions starting with item number
must be unscrewed. Gently lift out the power
4 in the daily preventive maintenance checks
converter to the extent permitted by the short
and services chart (para 45). When an ab-
c o n n e c t i n g cable. Manually separate the two
normal condition or result is observed, perform
sections of the cable connector to allow com-
t h e checks and corrective measures indicated
plete detachment of the power converter. The
w e l l must then be cleaned, preferably by a
the corrective measures indicated do not result
vacuum cleaner.
in correction of the trouble, higher category of
maintenance is required.
4-13. Troubleshooting Chart
Checks and corrective measures
Probable trouble
Trouble symptom
a.. Check battery condition or con-
a. Power supply or battery not de-
Clear DC ON indicator light
livering current to equipment.
does not light when operat-
b. Replace indicator light DS5002.
b. Indicator light defective -------
ing from battery or power
c. Make certain test panel is firmly
c. Interlock switch not activated ---
supply source.
seated in case.
d. Replace block 700 power converter.
d. Block 700 power converter de--
a. Check power line fuses.
a. Power line not energized -----
Red AC ON indicator light
b. Replace indicator light DS5001.
b. Indicator light defective ---------
does not light when operat-
c. Make certain test panel is firmly
c. Interlock switch not activated ---
ing from power line.
seated in case.
AGO 7918A