TM 11-6625-1683-15
(5) Cut the technical manual.
verter out of the test panel (pry it
out), and smash it.
Warning: Be extremely careful. Use
incendiary devices only in very urgent
Smash the test panel switches and
Pry the test panel out of the case, and
c. Bum. Use gasoline, oil, flamethrower, or
smash the circuit components at the
incendiary grenade.
back of the panel.
(1) Burn technical manual.
Take the accessories out of the pouch,
(2) Take test panel out of the case (pry
and smash the test cable connectors
it out), and burn out the components
and the attenuator, tools, and adapters.
and wiring at the back of the panel.
Smash the case.
(3) Burn the pouch and the accessories
in it.
b. Cut Use ax, machete, or knife.
(4) Burn the case.
(1) Cut the power cord.
(2) Take the test panel out of the case
(pry it out), and cut the circuit wiri-
d o e s not permit destruction by any other
ng at the back of the panel.
means, Incendiary grenades are very effective.
Explode an incendiary grenade next to the test
(3) Take the accessories out of the pouch,
cut the test cables, and cut the pouch.
(4) Cut the flyleaf (marked OPERAT-
e. Disposal. Bury or scatter parts, or throw
them into waterways.
AGO 7918A