TM 11-6625-168315
Place a 3-inch-thick pad of filler ma-
terial in the bottom of the box, and
put the MK980/PPS5 in the box.
Fit 2-inch-thick filler pads around
t h e sides of the MK-980/PPS-5,
and put a l-inch-thick filler pad on
top of the equipment.
Fold the waterproof paper over the
top filler pad, and secure the folds
with waterproof tape.
Nail (or screw) the wooden cover in
(1) Obtain or make a wooden packing
D o u b l e - b a n d the box with metal
high. The inside of the box should be
(7) Mark box (contents, destination) as
lined with waterproof paper secured
to the inside by liquid tar.
9-4. Authority for Demolition
marked PWR. CONV. RADAR).
b. C o n t r o l - i n d i c a t o r p o w e r c o n v e r t e r
be used to prevent the enemy from using or
(marked PWR. CONV. REMOTE).
salvaging the equipment. Demolition of the
equipment will be accomplished only upon the
c. Electrical Test Panel SB3004/PPS5.
order of the commander.
d. Accessories
( t e s t cables, attenuators,
adapters, tools).
9-5. Destruction Plan
e. Case,
Field manuals direct that a destruction plan
for equipment will be prepared. It is desirable
f. Technical manual.
that, in this plan, personnel be assigned spe-
cific tasks so that minimum time will be re-
96. Methods of Destruction
quired should destruction become necessary, It
Use any or all of the methods of destruction
is desirable also that all personnel concerned
given in a through e below. Available time and
be familiar with all aspects of the complete
the tactical situation will determine the meth-
destruction plan, The plan must be complete
ods to be used, but it is better to completely
and adequate and easily carried out in the field
destroy one or two parts of the equipment than
and must provide for destruction as complete
to only partially destroy all parts.
as the available time, equipment, and person-
nel will permit. Because the time required for
a. Smash. Use sledge, ax, hammer, crowbar,
complete destruction may not always be avail-
or any heavy object.
able, field manuals also direct that destruction
priorities be established to insure that essential
converter out of the test panel (pry
parts of the equipment will be destroyed first.
it out), and smash it.
Priority in the following order is suggested for
Test Facilities Kit MK-980/PPS-5.
(2) Take the control-indicator power con-
AGO 7918A