TM 11-6625-1696-12
3-36. Operational Procedures
d Set the power supply AC POWER switch to ON;
the AC POWER indicator should light.
For any type of operation, perform the following
e. Turn the power supply voltage control until the
VOLTS meter indicates 115 volts.
c. Appropriate maintenance procedure as described
During Radio Set AN/GRC-103(V)1, 2,
3, or 4 testing procedures, the VOLTS
in TM 11-5820-540-40-1, -2, and -3. Stopping procedure
meter indication may vary as the load
varies. Periodically check the VOLTS
3-37. Preliminary Starting Procedure
meter and adjust the voltage control for
a. Set the power supply AC POWER switch to OFF
115-volt indication if necessary.
f. Connect the RF modules test facility to the
and turn the voltage control fully counterclockwise.
transmitter or receiver test facility as required, and
proceed as described in a, or b, and c above for the
to OFF, S2 and S13 to their off (down) positions, S15 to
appropriate test facility being used.
DRIVER, S16 to OUTPUT NORMAL, S27 to indicator A
(right-hand position), and S29 to OUTPUT. Set S12,
The radio frequency modules test
S17, S18, S21, S25, S26, S28, S30, S31, and S32 to
facility is connected to either the
OFF. Set S4 and S20 to + 12 V. Be sure that the power
receiver or transmitter test facilities as
supply section hinged cover is closed.
c. Set receiver test facility switches S1 to OFF, S7
directed by the procedures in TM 11-
5820-540-40-1, -2, and -3.
to MAN., S13 to MAN., S18 to NORM., and S21 to OUT.
Set S5 to -12 V. S14 to 30 MHz, S19 to EXT, and AT1
3-39. Stopping Procedure
to 0 DB. Set S2, S4, S6, S8, S10, S12, S15, S17, and
a. Set the power supply AC POWER switch to OFF.
S20 OFF.
switches S1, S4, S7, S8, S11, S12, S13, S14,
cable from the power supply.
c. Disconnect the receiver test facility ac power
and S15 to OFF. Set switch S9 to its off
position (down).
cable from the power supply.
3-38. Starting Procedure
d. Disconnect the power supply ac power cable
a. Connect the transmitter test facility alternating
from 115-volt ac power source.
e. Disconnect the RF modules test facility in-
current (ac) power cable to an ac connector on the
power supply.
terconnecting cable from the DISTRIBUTION section to
b. Connect the receiver test facility ac power cable
either the transmitter or receiver test facilities.
to the other ac connector on the power supply.
c. Connect the power supply ac power cable to a
115 volt ac power source.
functions, in paragraphs 3-41 through 3-50. Throughout
this section, the AN/GRC-103(V)1, 2, 3, and 4 assembly
The test facility, radio frequency modules controls,
under test is referred to as AUT.
indicators, fuses, and connectors are listed, with their