TM 11-6625-2398-14-4
cables in the processor chassis and the extended
for prescribed settings of the ATTENUATOR control.
module under test. Cables 1AlA2W1, 1A1A2W2, and
1A1A2W3 (CX-12916) are used for connection between
c. Cables
1AlW4 (CG-
connectors 1A32P1, 1A33P1, and 1A35P1 and
3750/TPM-24(V)) connect the RF sum (J2), and RF
1A32XP1, 1A33XP1, 1A34P1 and 1A34XP1, 1A35XP1,
difference (J3), channels to the hybrid attenuator or to
and 1A46XP1 respectively.
the radar test set. Adapter 1A1A2CP6 (UG-1034/U)
enables connection of cable 1A1W3 or 1AiW4 to J5 on
Connection of Test Facilities Cables
the hybrid attenuator.
a. Cable 1A1W1 (SM-C-787808) is provided to
connect +5 vdc, +12 vdc, -12 vdc power to the IFF set
To avoid damage to the equipment
b. Cable W2 (SM-C-787809) is provided to connect
under test, DO NOT energize the
receiver/transmitter before terminating
c. Cables 1A1W3 and 1A1W4 (CG-3750) are
SUM ANT and DIFF ANT jacks J2 and
provided for connection of IFF set SUM ANT J3 and
DIFF ANT J4 connectors to hybrid attenuator RF SUM
d. The insertion losses marked on the tag attached
J2 and ATTEN IN/RF DIFF J5 connectors, respectively.
to the hybrid attenuator, and marked on the connecting
d Cable W5 (CG-3751) is provided to connect Radar
coaxial cables should be considered when calculating
Test Set AN/TPM-25 to the mode 4 panel of the IFF set.
Detailed connection procedures are contained in TM 11-
Typical Connection and Use of Minor
e. Cables 1A1W6, 1A1W7, and 1A1W8 (CG-
3754/TPM-24(V)) are used when modules are extended
Connections and use of minor components of the IFF set
are briefly described in a through o below. Exact
cables and module connectors.
connections and usage procedures are contained in TM
f. Cables 1A1W9 (SM-D-986535) and lAlW10
11-5895-824-12 and TM 11-5895-824-40.
(SM-D-986536) are used for connection between rf
a. Extractor 1A1A3 (MX-10412) is provided for
switch module 1A32 and receiver module 1A35 when the
removal of printed wiring cards from the processor
receiver module is extended.
chassis or from processor modules.
g. Cables
b. Extender 1A1A4 (MX-9356) is provided to
1A1A2W5 (SM-D-986531) are used for connection of
connect the printed wiring card to its connector in the
transmitter assembly A34A1 to transmitter module A34
processor when the card is extended. The extender card
when the transmitter assembly is extended from the
is provided with test points for each input or output pin on
transmitter module.
the extended card. Also provided are pin connected
h. Cables 1AlA2W1, 1A1A2W2 and 1A1A2W3
jumper wires to allow for fault isolation or injection.
(CX-12916) are used when modules are extended (para
c. Grounding Straps 1A1A2W6 and W7 are
3-3) for connection between chassis and module
provided for grounding self-test RF switch driver card
1A33A1 when it is installed on an extender board.
Operation of Hybrid Attenuator 1A1A1
d. Shorting plug 1A1A2AT6 (J-3984) is provided as
a termination for SIG INTFC connector J1 on the
a. The hybrid attenuator is provided to facilitate
processor when the IFF set is installed in a test bed.
testing, troubleshooting, and alignment/adjustment of the
e. Dummy loads 1A1A2AT1 and AT2 (DA-558),
receiver/transmitter of the IFF set. All of the specific
AT3 (DA-559), and 1A1AT6 (DA-636) are provided for
uses of the hybrid attenuator with the receiver/transmitter
termination of rf signal connectors when they are not
are described in TM 11-5895-824-40. Operation of the
being used.
hybrid attenuator in typical receiver/transmitter test
f. Dummy loads 1A1A2AT4 (DA-634) and AT5
configurations is described below.
(DA-635) are fixed 5 db and 11 db, respectively,
b. The test connections between the processor and
mismatches provided for use during VSWR tests.
the hybrid attenuator are typical for most of the
g. Adapters 1AlA2CP1 and CP2 (UG-29B/U)
provide for connection of N-male to N-male.
individual test procedure in TM 11-5895-824-40 for
h. Adapter 1A1A2CP3 (UG-57B/U) provides for
possible deviations in the test connections and