TM 11-6625-2398-14-4
test lead is connected to the corresponding contact at
conductor, while performing (2) below.
the opposite end of the board. The meter must read
(2) Connect the second ohmmeter lead to every
other conductor in the cable (one conductor at a time).
(3) Check continuity to board test points by
(3) If the meter indicates zero, a short exists
connecting the multimeter test leads between the first
between the two conductors.
connector contact and the test point (1 or 2) immediately
(4) If the meter indicates less than infinite, but more
below. Advance test leads successively across the
than zero, the two conductors contain a dc leakage path.
board to the last connector contact and the last test point
(5) If the meter indicates infinite, the two conductors
(40 or 41). Repeat the above procedures for the
are not shorted.
c. Cable Continuity Check. Check continuity of the
opposite side of the board. The meter must indicate zero
cable wires by progressively connecting the multimeter
b. Cables Shorts Check.
To check a
test leads to the corresponding pins on the plugs at each
multiconductor cable for shorts between conductors,
end of the cable. The multimeter must indicate zero ohm
proceed as follows:
(1) Connect one ohmmeter lead to each cable