TM 11-6625-2398-14-4
for the hybrid attenuator provides
6-6. Isolation of Trouble
procedure for troubleshooting. This procedure is based
a Calibration of the hybrid attenuator assembly every 90
on the VSWR and insertion loss measurements.
days will hold faulty operation to a minimum since the
c. General support troubleshooting procedure,
periodic check will establish its operational capability.
Hybrid Attenuator lAlAl.
b. In the event the hybrid attenuator assembly fails
to perform properly, the cause of the malfunction must
be determined and remedied. The troubleshooting table
d. Testing of cables of the test facilities set consists
using the applicable cable schematic diagram (fig. 6-2
of continuity checks for cables and connectors, and
insulation resistance checks for cables. When a cable or
connector of the test facilities set is suspected as being
faulty, perform standard continuity checks for cables