TM 11-6625-2398-14-4
Figure 2-1. Test Facilities Set AN/TPM-24(V)4, Packaging.
general, when bench testing of the IFF set or its major
Installation and Connections
components is to be performed, sufficient space must be
a. Installation. The test facilities set is used in
provided on or near the test bench to accommodate
conjunction with a fully operational IFF set and external
components of the test facilities set, the external test
test equipment in the test-bench maintenance of IFF set
equipment, the IFF set processor, any components
components returned from using organizations. Since
removed from the processor, and all required
the test facilities set primarily contains special purpose
interconnecting cables.
test accessories, only those components and cables of
b. Connections. As noted in a above, only those
test facilities set pertinent to the particular maintenance
cables of the test facilities set required for a particular
to be performed need to be installed at any one time. In
maintenance operation need be connected at