TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
6-9. Group 2 Component Testing
a. General. Testing of group 2 components
Assembly 2W1A1 consists of toggle switch 2W1A1S1,
requires calibration of hybrid attenuator 2A1 and testing
resistor 2W1A1R1 and Zener diode 2W1A1CR1. When
of cable 2W1. Calibrate hybrid attenuator 2A1 as
assembly 2W1A1 is connected to 28 vdc and switch
directed in TB11-6625-2398-35.
2W1A1S1 is set to OFF, this assembly can be tested by
measuring for 5 vdc between 2W1P1-F and 2W1P1-S.
b. Cable 2W1. Cable 2W1 is fabricated with
The remaining cables of 2W1 can be tested by making
assembly 2W1A1 for IFF set mode 4, and test target
enable testing.