TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
(a) Disconnect and tag the motor wires
(1) To remove the synchro, proceed as
connected to terminal board TB2.
(a) Disconnect and tag the wiring to
(b) Remove the four screws (H6) that
terminal board TB3.
secure the motor to its mounting plate.
(b) Loosen the three screws of the three
(c) Lift motor B2 to disengage the motor
synchro clamps (H10), and rotate the clamps so that the
shaft from the flexible coupling (MP20).
flat sides face the synchro.
(2) To replace the motor, proceed as follows:
(c) Lift the synchro to disengage the
(a) Properly position the motor on its
synchro shaft and the flexible coupling (MP19).
mounting plate (A2MP1) and engage motor shaft to
(2) Replace the synchro as follows:
flexible coupling (MP20).
(a) Place the synchro in position on its
(b) Secure the motor to its mounting
mounting plate (A2MP1) and engage the flexible
plate (A2MP1) with four screws (H6).
(c) Connect motor wires to terminal
coupling (MP19).
(b) Gently tighten the three clamps
board TB2.
g. Removal and Replacement of Gear Assembly
(H10) to engage the synchro, permitting movement of
synchro housing.
(c) Connect the synchro wires to
(1) To disassemble the gear assembly
terminal board TB3.
proceed as follows:
(d) With the front panel dials set to zero
(a) Remove two collars (MP16 and
degrees, rotate the synchro housing to set the synchro to
MP17) on gear shafts (MP30 and MP32) protruding
electrical zero.
through mounting plate A2MP1), by loosening setscrews
(e) Tighten the three synchro clamps
(b) Remove the mounting plates from
(H10) which secure the synchro to its mounting base.
e. Removal and Replacement of Resolver
the gear train housing by removing four securing screws
1A1A1A1S3B. To gain access to the resolver remove
(c) Remove five collars (MP11-MP15)
gear train assembly as specified in c above.
(1) To remove the resolver, proceed as
from the five gear shafts (MP28-MP32) in the gear train
(a) Disconnect and tag the wiring to
(d) Withdraw
terminal board 1A1A1A13TB1.
(b) Loosen the three resolver clamps
(2) To reassemble the gear train assembly,
(H9) so that the flat sides face the resolver.
proceed as follows:
(a) Slide shaft (MP31) and attached
(c) Lift resolver to disengage the
resolver shaft from the flexible coupling (MP18).
gear (MP26), spacer (MP40), bearing (MP8) into opening
(2) To replace the resolver, proceed as
provided in housing (A1).
(b) Install bearing (MP5), spacer
(a) Place the resolver in position on its
(MP37), and collar (MP15) on shaft. Tighten collar
mounting plate and engage the flexible coupling (MP18).
setscrews to allow 0.010-inch axial play in shaft.
(b) Gently tighten the three clamps (H9)
(c) Slide shaft (MP30) and attached
to engage the resolver, permitting movement of resolver
gears (MP24 and M25) into opening provided in housing
(c) Connect the resolver wires to
(d) Install bearing (MP4), spacer
terminal board TB1.
(MP36) and collar (MP14) and temporarily tighten collar
(d) With the front panel dials set to zero
(e) Slide shaft (MP29) and attached
degrees, rotate the resolver housing to set the resolver
to electrical zero.
gear (MP22), spacer (MP38), and bearing (MP6) into
(e) Tighten the three resolver clamps
opening provided in housing (A1).
(f) Install bearing (MP1), spacer
f. Removal and Replacement of Dc Motor
(MP33), and collar (MP11) on shaft. Tighten collar
1A1A1A13B2. To gain access to the dc motor remove
setscrews to allow 0.010-inch axial play in shaft.
(g) Slide shaft (MP28) and attached
gear assembly as specified in c above.
(1) To remove the dc motor, proceed as
Change 1 7-4.1