TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
MP23 and MP27) into opening provided in housing (A1).
(j) Install bearing (MP2), spacer (MP-
(A2) so that shaft (MP29) enters coupling (MP18).
34), and collar (MP12) and temporarily tighten set screws
Secure resolver to plate with three clamps (H9). Tighten
in collar.
setscrews on coupling (MP18).
(k) Position plate (A2) onto housing
(x) Position synchro B3 through plate
(A1) with the appropriate shafts protruding through the
(A2) so that shaft (MP28) enters coupling (MP19).
openings provided for them in housing (A2). Secure
Secure synchro to plate with three clamps (H10).
housing (A2) with four screws (H7), and washers (H8).
Tighten setscrews on coupling (MP19).
(I) Install bearing (MP9), spacer
(MP41), and collar (MP16) on shaft (MP32). Temporarily
7-8. Cable Repair Instructions
tighten collar set screws.
(m) Install bearing (MP10), spacer
a. Introduction. A11 cables contained in the test
(MP42), and collar (MP17) on shaft (MP30).
facilities set are repairable. Before performing cable
Temporarily tighten collar set screws.
repair procedures, maintenance personnel should
(n) Loosen collars (MP14 and MP17)
consider the following factors
and compress the springs in gear (MP24) by 2 teeth.
(1) A damaged cable connector should not be
Position the center of gear (MP24) to coincide with the
repaired, it should be replaced.
center of gear (MP26). Tighten collar set screws to allow
(2) Cable assemblies under 1 foot in length.
0.010 inch axial play in shaft (MP30).
(a) If a connector is damaged, replace
(o) Loosen collars (MP12 and MP16)
the cable assembly with a spare. If no spare is available,
and compress the springs in gear (MP23) by two teeth.
rebuild the cable assembly using a new length of cable
Position the center of gear (MP23) to coincide with the
and new or salvaged connectors. If a new length of
center of gear (MP25). Tighten collar set screws to allow
cable is not available, replace the damaged connector.
.010 inch axial play in shaft (MP32).
(b) If the cable conductors are damaged
(p) Loosen
replace the cable assembly with a spare. If no spare is
disengage shaft (MP29) with attached gear (MP22) from
available, rebuild the cable assembly using a new length
gear (MP27). Compress the springs in gear (MP22) by
of cable and new or salvaged connectors. If a new
two teeth. Position the center of gear (MP22) to coincide
length of cable is not available, salvage as much of the
with the center of gear (MP23). Tighten collar set screws
damaged cable assembly as possible, and replace one
to allow 0.010 inch axial play in shaft (MP29).
(q) Loosen
(3) Cable assemblies over 1 foot in length.
disengage shaft (MP28) and attached gear (MP21) from
(a) Deleted.
gear (MP27). Compress the springs in gear (MP21) by 2
(b) If less than 6 inches of cable are
teeth. Position the center of gear (MP21) to coincide
destroyed, repair the damaged cable assembly,
with the center of gear (MP27). Tighten collar setscrews
replacing the damaged connectors.
to allow 0.010inch axial play in shaft (MP28).
(c) If more than 6 inches of cable are
(r) If necessary, carefully readjust
destroyed, replace the cable assembly with a spare. If
shafts (MP28, MP29, MP30, and MP32) so that the
no spare is available, rebuild the assembly, using a new
following conditions simultaneously exist:
length of cable and new or salvaged connectors. If a
1. The centers of all gears with
new length of cable is not available, salvage as much of
springs in compression coincide with the centers of all
the damaged cable assembly as possible, and replace
gears with which they mesh.
one connector.
2. The axial play in each shaft is no
(4) To salvage a connector, perform the
greater than 0.010-inch.
attaching procedure in reverse order.
(s) Tighten setscrews of coupling
(5) To remove a damaged connector from a
(MP18) onto shaft of resolver B1.
cable assembly, cut the cable as closely as possible to
(t) Tighten setscrews of coupling
the connector. The procedures contained in b through
(MP19) onto shaft of synchro B3.
ab below provide step-by-step instructions for fabricating
(u) Tighten setscrews of coupling
each cable assembly contained in the test facilities set.
When repairing cables, perform only the procedural
(MP20) onto shaft of motor B2.
(v) Position motor B2 through plate (A2)
steps required to accomplish the desired repair.
so that shaft (MP31) enters coupling secure motor to
plate with four screws (H6). Tighten setscrews on
coupling (MP20).
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