TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
7-2. Nonrepairable Components
The following components of the test facilities set are
a. Adapters-2A3CP1 through 2A2CP8.
removing front panel 1A1A1A1 to
b. Terminations and attenuators-1A1AT1 through
avoid damage to connected cables.
1A1AT3, 1A6AT1/1A6AT2, 2AT1, and 2A2AT1 through
(1) To remove the front panel, loosen the 14
7-3. Tools and Kits Required
captive screws and swing the panel out from the case
Tools and kits required to repair components and
assembly. Be careful not to damage connected cables.
assemblies of the test facilities set are listed below:
(2) To replace the front panel, place the panel
into proper position on the case assembly. Secure the
Tool or kit
Technical manual
panel with 14 captive screws removed in (1) above.
Tool kit, Electronic Equipment
SC 5180-91-CL-S21
b. Removal and Replacement of Filter Box
Repair kit, Printed Wiring Board SC 5999-91-CL-S01
Heat Gun HG-501
7-4. Repairable Components
removing filter box 1A1A3 to avoid
The following components are repairable:
damage to connected cables.
a. Hybrid attenuator assembly 2A1.
b. Interface adapter unit 1A1A1.
(1) To remove the filter box, loosen the 18
c. Extender cards 1A1A3/1A1A4, and 2A4.
captive screws and swing the filter box out from the case
d. Cables
assembly. Be careful not to damage the connected
1A4W1-1A4W16, 1A5W1, 1A5W2, 2W1-2W8, and
(2) To replace the filter box, place the filter
e. PC board extractors 1A1A2 and 2A3.
box into proper position on the case assembly. Secure
the filter box with 18 captive screws removed in (1)
7-5. Repair of Printed Circuit Board Extractor
If printed circuit board extractors 1A1A2 or 2A3 become
c. Removal and Replacement of Gear Train
bent or misaligned, bend back into proper shape with a
Assembly 1A1A1AS. To gain access to the gear train
pair of pliers. After bending, check that the width of the
assembly first remove front panel A1A1A1 as specified in
extractor is correct for proper insertion into the puller
a above.
holes of a printed circuit board.
(1) To remove the gear train assembly from
the front panel, proceed as follows:
7-6. Extender Card 1A1A3/1A1A4 and 2A4,
(a) Disconnect and tag wiring to
terminal boards TB1, TB2, and TB3.
extender cards breaks, solder a short length of copper
wire across the break. Use just enough heat to assure a
dials (A7 and A8) by loosening the setscrews (A7H1 and
well soldered band, being careful not to burn the board
ASH1) that hold the dials to the shafts (MP31 and
base material.
(c) Remove the six Phillips head screws
7-7. Removal and Replacement of Parts of Interface
(H95) which secure the gear train assembly to the front
Adapter Unit 1A1A1.
panel. Remove the gear train assembly.
To gain access to the majority of components of the
(2) To replace the gear train assembly
interface adapter unit, it is necessary to remove the front
proceed as follows:
panel as specified in a below.
(a) Line up the gear train assembly
mounting posts and keying pins with the six holes in the
To gain access to the internal parts of connectors
front panel. Insert the coarse and fine dial shafts (MP31
1A1A1J1 through 1A1A1J21, it is necessary to remove
and MP32) into the respective holes. Secure with six
the filter box 1A1A1A3 as specified in b below.
Phillips head screws (H95).
(b) Connect wiring to terminal boards
a. Removal and Replacement of Front Panel
Change 1 7-3