TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
(12) Strip 13 / 64 inch of insulation from each
open pin apertures with spare pins.
wire which will be connected to P1 (fig. 7-10, dimension
(16) Disconnect pressure nut from backshell
and screw backshell onto pinned connector (fig. 7-7)
(13) Using crimping tool, crimp pins supplied
and tighten.
with connector P1 onto exposed wire ends.
(17) Slide reducing ring into backshell and fan
(14) Insert pinned wires into connector (fig. 6-
out braid so that braid sets between the reducing ring
10) and fill open pin apertures with spare pins except for
and the pressure ring.
(18) Slide pressure ring into backshell and pull
(15) Attach plate to rear of connector using
out braid from V-connection formed by pressure ring
hardware supplied, then attach dust cover bracket to rear
seated in reducing ring. Trim excess braid protruding
from V-connection.
(16) Slide 5 1/4-inch piece of heat shrink
(19) Slide pressure nut onto backshell and
sleeving to the end of the cable, then shrink the sleeving.
(17) Slide the second 5 1/4-inch piece of
(20) Clean end of cable and apply adhesive
sleeving to the end of the cable, then shrink the sleeving.
(R.T.V. 728 or equivalent) to area which will be covered
(18) Apply adhesive (R.T.V.
728 or
by heat shrink sleeving.
equivalent), under end of sleeving. Slide the 6 1/4 inch
(21) Using heat gun, shrink sleeving and tag
piece of sleeving to the end of the cable, then shrink the
(22) Remove excess adhesive from sleeving.
(19) Clean end of cable covered by heat shrink
(23) Attach dust cover to link chain attachment
(20) Apply thermofit to area to be covered by
i. Cable 1A2W12. The following procedure is to
(21) Slide boot up to the bracket and shrink the
be performed when a new cable assembly is to be
fabricated. To replace plug P1 perform steps (1) through
(22) Remove excess adhesive from boot.
23) below. To replace plugs P2 through P5 perform
(23) Attach the dust cover to the connector.
steps (24 through 46) below.
(24) Strip 48 inches of outside jacket and cable
(1) Cut a section of cable (CP 5240), 96
braid from end of cable which will connect to P2 through
inches in length.
(2) Place tag marker, boot, one 6-inch piece
(25) Strip 19/32 inch of jacket from coaxial
of heat shrink sleeving and two 5 1/4-inch long pieces of
heat shrink sleeving over outside of cable jacket.
(26) Trim 11/32 inch of braid from coaxial cable
(3) Strip 3 inches of outside cable jacket from
leaving inch of braid exposed (fig. 7-12, dimension C).
(27) Strip 1/8 inch of insulation from the end of
dimension A).
(4) Trim 21/8 inches of braid from end of
(28) Slide four-fingered boot over cable so that
one coaxial cable fits in each finger of the boot.
dimension B).
(29) Cut a piece of heat shrink sleeving 47
(5) Strip 1 5/32 inch from jacket of coaxial
inches in length.
(30) Slide the sleeving over the appropriate
(6) Trim 1/4 inch of braid from coaxial cable
coaxial cable and under the applicable finger of the boot.
leaving 7/32 inch of braid exposed (fig. 7-10, dimension
(31) Position the appropriate tag marker on the
sleeving approximately 7 inches from the end of the
(7) Cut a 3 1/2-inch length of 22AWG black
coaxial cable.
wire and strip 1/2 inch and 3/8 inch of insulation from the
(32) Disassemble new or salvaged connector
wire ends. Hairpin the end of the black wire which has
1/2 inch of insulation removed.
(33) Slide outer ferrule over end of cable (fig.
(8) Slide inner ground ring over cable wires
and under cable braid.
(34) Flare the cable braid slightly, do not comb
(9) Slide outer ground ring over cable wires
out braid (fig. 7-14, view B). (35 Place contact on end of
and braid so that outer ground ring is centered over inner
cable so that it butts against cable insulation, and crimp
ground ring.
(10) Insert hairpinned end of wire (refer to step
(36) Install cable assembly into body so that
(7) above) between outside ground ring and cable braid.
(11) Using crimping tool, crimp outer ground
ring, black wire, and inner ground ring.