TM 11-6625-1696-12
setting is registered on the counter. The positions of the
flexible drive shaft and the fixed drive shaft
simultaneously by a drive chain. A four digit counter is
drive shafts are not disturbed during this operation. The
counter is bidirectional in that it can be operated on
also activated by the tuning control knob by a clutch
assembly on the fixed drive shaft. The counter records
either side of zero. Amplifier frequency multiplier 38A1
is driven in a positive direction and the counter reading
the number of revolutions of the control shafts. The
is positive. Amplifier frequency multiplier 37A1 is driven
counter can be adjusted in- dependently of the tuning
in the reverse direction and the counter reading is
control knob by means of the counter control knob which
negative. A hole is provided in the baseplate of the test
is geared to a slipping clutch. Setting the counter is
fixture so that the variable capacitor in unit 37A1 can be
accomplished by holding the tuning control knob firmly
observed during testing.
and turning the counter control knob until the desired
Figure 3-10. Amplifier Frequency Multiplier Test Fixture TS-3826-/GRM-95(V)2.