TM 11-6625-1696-12
3-56. Test Fixture, Bandpass Filter
and the gage arm is lowered onto the AUT engaging the
tuning plunger of the assembly with one of three
calibrated positions in the gage. Each position in the
gage arm corresponds to a frequency. The frequencies,
In order to place an AUT in position on the test fixture,
which are 1030 MHz, 880 MHz and 725 MHz, are
the gage arm must be swiveled from its normal
stenciled on the gage arm above their respective
operating position. The gage arm is secured in position
position. The input and output cables of the AUT are
by a retaing clamp which in turn is held in position by a
connected to the right-angle connectors which are
thumb screw. Once the thumb screw is loosened, the
provided to facilitate the connection of test cables to the
retaining clamp is repositioned to free the gage arm
AUT. After testing at one frequency, the gage arm must
which can then be moved. The assembly to be tested is
be lifted in order to reset the AUT to the next position.
then positioned on the test fixture so that the tuning
shaft of the assembly is coupled to the flexible shaft of
Do not lift or remove the test fixture
the test fixture. Locating pins on the AUT are also
from the case by lifting the fixture with
coupled to holes in the test fixture. The mounted
the gage arm.
assembly is held in position by the two securing screws,