TM 11-6625-1696-12
b. Loosen the four captive screws that secure
Reconnect P1 to J1 and P2 to J2.
Replace the front panel in the case.
the voltage regulator to the front panel.
c. Pull the voltage regulator directly away
from the front panel.
d. Carefully position the replacement voltage
a. Remove RF modules test facility front
regulator and engage the front panel connector.
e. Tighten the four captive screws in the
panel from the case, and lay the panel face downwards.
voltage regulator and replace the front panel in the
c. Loosen the three green-circled captive
Replacement of Circuit Card Assembly No.2
screws that secure the IF. amplifier, to the front panel.
d. Pull the IF. amplifier directly away from
a. move the RF modules test facility front
the front panel.
e. Carefully position the replacement IF.
panel from the case, and lay the panel face down-
amplifier, engage the front panel chassis connector, and
b. Loosen the two captive screws in the circuit
tighten the three captive screws.
card assembly No. 2 plug, and disconnect the plug.
Reconnect plug P3 to the IF. amplifier.
c. Loosen the four captive screws that secure
g. Replace the front panel in the case.
the circuit card assembly to the front panel, and remove
Replacement of Circuit Card Assembly No. 3
the circuit card assembly.
d. Aline the four captive screws of the
a. Remove RF modules test facility front
replacement circuit card assembly No. 2 with the
mounting posts and tighten the screws.
panel from the case, and lay the panel face downwards.
e. Connect the circuit card assembly No. 2
b. Loosen the two captive screws in the circuit
plug with its mating connector and tighten the two
card assembly No. 3 plug, and disconnect the plug.
captive screws.
c. Loosen the four captive screws that secure
Replace the front panel in the case.
the circuit card assembly to the front panel, and remove
the circuit card assembly.
Replace of Bandpass Filter 4A1FL1 (fig. 5-
d. Aline the four captive screws of the
replacement circuit card assembly No. 3 with the
a. Remove RF modules test facility front
mounting posts and tighten the screw.
e. Connect the circuit card assembly No. 3
panel from the case, and lay the panel face downwards.
plug with its mating connector, and tighten the two
band- pass filter J1 and J2 respectively.
captive screws.
c. Remove the two screws that secure the
band- pass filter to the front panel, and remove the filter.
d. Position the replacement bandpass filter in
place on the front panel and secure with the two screws
removed in c above.