TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
Control, cable or connector
CPLR IN jack J3
Permits connection of external equipment or ATTENUATOR AT1 (via 2A1W3) to the
hybrid junction. When used as an input connection, RF signals applied at this jack
appear (less insertion loss) at RF IN/OUT jack J1. May also be used as an output
connection when Rf signals are applied to RF IN/OUT jack J1.
3-3. Types of Operation
b. IFF Set Component Removal.
a. The test facilities set is used to interconnect
components of the IFF set, to control primary power
(1) Loosen the captive screws securing the
when the IFF set or its components are undergoing test
component front panel to the coder-decoder group case.
bench maintenance, and to simulate external radar
signals. In addition, the test facilities set provides for
(2) Grasp the handles on the front panel of
monitoring of signals and voltages supplied from the IFF
the component and slide the component from the group
set. The hybrid attenuator and associated equipment
case until chassis slide locks engage.
may be connected in a test setup for the receiver-
transmitter group, or a test-bed installation can be set up
(3) Depress the chassis slide locks and
to test the complete IFF set.
remove the component from the coder-decoder group
b. Specific instructions for connecting the IFF set
and required test equipment and accessories, and for
c. Receiver-Transmitter (R/T) Extension for
performing maintenance on the various IFF set
Maintenance. Cables 2A2W1 through 2A2W4, and
components are contained in the technical manuals
cables 2W2 through 2W6 are provided to extend the RF
listed below
switch, receiver, transmitter, and LVPS modules from the
IFF set component
Technical manual
R/T chassis of the IFF set. Remove the R/T chassis
Interrogator ................................TM 11-5895-532-34-1
from its case by following the procedure described in b
above. To connect the extender cables, remove the
Receiver-Transmitter ..................TM 11-5895-532-34-2
modules from the chassis by loosening the captive
Signal Processor ........................TM 11-5895-532-34-3
screws that secure the modules to the chassis, and
Electrical Synchronize--..............TM 11-5895-532-34-4
disconnecting the RF cable connections. Make the
Antenna Control..........................TM 11-5895-532-34-5
Extension of
3-5. Connection of Input Power and Test Facilities
a. General. Regardless of the test configuration of
Cables 1A2W1 and 1A2W2 are provided to connect 60-
the test facilities set, it is generally necessary to remove
Hz and 400-Hz input power to interface adapter unit
one or more of the IFF set components from their
1A1A1. Cable 1A3W1 connects the interface adapter
respective group cases to perform maintenance Cables
unit to the receiver-transmitter. Cables 1A5W1 and
1A3W2 through 1A3W5 and 1A4W4 and 1A4W5, are
1A5W2 are provided to connect the interface adapter
provided to extend the synchronizer, processor, and
unit to the antenna pedestal. Cables 1A2W6 and
antenna control unit from the coder-decoder group case.
1A2W7 connect the receiver-transmitter to the antenna
To connect the extender cables, first remove the
pedestal. Cable 1A4W15 couples the motor drive from
component(s) from the coder-decoder group case as
the interface adapter unit to the antenna pedestal.
described in b below, and then make the appropriate
Cables 1A2W4 and 1A2W5 connect the antenna
connections using the information supplied in paragraph
pedestal to the RF dummy loads. Cables 1A2W3,
1A2W8, 1A2W10, 1A4W1, 1A4W2, 1A4W3, and 1A4W6
through 1A4W13 connect the interface adapter unit to
the coder-decoder group case. Cables 1A2W9 and
1A4W14 connect the interface adapter unit to the control
When cables 1A3W2 and 1A3W3
panels of the IFF set. Cable 1A5W2 connects the
are connected to the IFF set, be
control panel of the IFF set to the monitor alarm unit.
careful that the cable dust covers do
not fall into units that are extended,
or damage to the IFF set may result.
Change 1 3-4