TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
9-1. Applicability of Depot Overhaul Standards
9-2. Applicable References
a. Repair Standards. Applicable procedures of the
Test Facilities Set AN / TPM-24(V)2 must be tested
thoroughly after rebuild or repair to insure that it meets
depot performing these standards, and its general
adequate performance standards for return to stock and
standards for repaired equipment, form a part of the
reissue. Perform the tests described in this chapter and
requirements for testing this equipment.
b. Technical Publications. The following technical
It is mandatory that equipment to be reissued, or
manuals are applicable to this equipment:
returned to stock for reissue, meet all of these
performance standards.
Equipment and subject
Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual, Interrogator Set AN / T
TM 11-5895-532-34-1
PX-46 (V) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual, Interrogator Set
TM 11-5895-532-12
AN / TPX-46 (V) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual, Interrogator Set AN / T
TM 11-5805-532-34-2
PX-46 (V) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Receiver-Transmitter Group OR-85 / TPX-46
Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual, Interroga tor Set AN/ T
TM 11-5895-532-34-3
PX-46 (V) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Signal Processor CP-925 / TPX-46 (V).
Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual, Interrogator Set AN / TP
TM 11-5895-532-34-4
X-46 (V) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Synchronizer, Electrical SN-420 / TPX-46 (V).
Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual, Interrogator Set AN / T
TM 11-5895-532-34-5
PX-46 (V) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Antenna-Radome AS-2167/TPX-46 (V),
Antenna-Radome AS-2740/TPX-46 (V), Control, Antenna C-
8738/TPX-46 (V), Pedestal, Antenna AB-1076/TPX-46 (V).
Depot Maintenance Work Requirements Manual Interrogator Set AN /TPX-
DMWR 11-5895-532-50
46V VI 1.2,3,4, and 6.
c. Modification Work Order. Perform all applicable
9-3. Test Facilities Required
modification work orders (MWO's) pertaining to this
The following equipments or suitable equivalents will be
equipment before making test specified. DA Pam 310-7
used to determine compliance with the requirements of
lists all available MWO's.
this specific standard, and will be capable of conforming
to their respective repair standard or depot overhaul
Test equipment
Multimeter TS-352B / U ..................................................................... 1
TM 11-6625-366-15
Signal Generator, AN/URM-64 .......................................................... 1
TM 11-6625-299-15
Attentator, Fixed. 6 db. CN-1321 /TPM-24 (VI ................................ 1
Attentator, Precision Step. Alfred E101 ............................................ 1
Crystal Detector, Hewlett-Packard 423A ........................................... 1
TM 11-6625-545-15
Indicator, Standing Wave Ratio, IM-175/4 ........................................ 1
TM 11-6625-545-15
50 BNC Termination. Microlab TA-5MB ........................................... 2
Adapter UG-201 A/U ......................................................................... 1
50 N Termination. Microlab TA-6MN. ............................................... 2
TM 11-5109
Slotted Line, IM-92 /U........................................................................ 1
TM 11-6625-1703-15
Oscilloscope, AN / USM-281A .......................................................... 1
Adapter, UG-491A/U ......................................................................... 1
Adapter, UGS7A / U .......................................................................... 2
Adapter, UG-349A / U ....................................................................... 2
Adapter, UG-1034/U.......................................................................... 1
Adapter, UG-29B/U ........................................................................... 1
Tool Kit, TK-100 ................................................................................ 1
SB 11-604