TM 11-6625-2414-15
a. Packaging Data. When packed for shipment, the
Maintenance accessories kit components require no
special packing or preparation prior to shipment. The
maintenance accessories kit is placed in a corrugated
accessories are ready for immediate use upon arrival at
shipping carton. A typical shipping carton and its con-
general support. Separate slots or locations are provided
tents are shown in figure 2-1. The shipping carton is ap-
for each component allowing easy removal or replace-
proximately 34 inches by 27 inches by 20 inches, and
ment. Wing nuts lock in the two removable plates in
provides a total capacity of 8.9 cubic feet. The shipping
each section of the case. The work bench to be used
carton weighs approximately 5-1 /2 pounds.
should be of suitable size to accommodate a Test
b. Removing Contents.
Facilities Kit MK-994/AR, the radio set to be checked,
(1) Cut the paper tape along the top of the cor-
applicable components of the Test Facilities Kit MK-
rugated shipping carton (fig. 2-1 ) and fold back the
1191 /AR (para 1-6) and other common test equipment
(2) Deleted.
the SLAE. A convenient source of 18 volts dc is re-
(3) Deleted.
quired for the MK-994/AR.
(4) Carefully lift out the corrugated inner carton.
(5) Cut the paper tape along the top of the cor-
2-4. Component
rugated inner carton and fold back the flaps.
(6) Remove the box containing the manuals and
For Serial No. 11A and on, certain similar
the equipment, or the film bag containing the manuals
assemblies and parts of the maintenance ac-
cessories kit have been identified with func-
tional usage decals or markings to prevent
Test Facilities Kit MK-1 191/AR weighs 120
inadvertent use of the wrong assembly or
pounds. Be CAREFUL! Two persons re-
part during testing or repair of SLAE. For
quired for three foot or lower lift. Four peo-
Serial No. 1A through 10A, the repairman
ple are required when the MK-1 191/AR
should use caution when using such similar
must be carried more than five steps.
assemblies or parts to prevent wrong usage.
The following charts indicate utilization of components
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
of the maintenance accessories kit. Step--by-step pro-
a. Inspect the maintenance accessories kit for
cedures depicting utilization of the components are pro-
damage incurred during shipment. If the maintenance
accessories kit has been damaged, report the damage on
The charts also indicate equivalent direct support
SF Form 364.
maintenance accessory items that are part of the MK-
b. See that the maintenance accessories kit is com-
plete as listed on the packing slip. If a packing slip is not
A--Radio Set AN/ARC-l 14
included, check the kit against the basic issue items list
B--Radio Set AN/ARC-l 15
(app B). Report all discrepancies in accordance with TM
C--Radio Set AN/ARC-l 16
38-750. Shortage of a minor assembly or part that does
D--Direction Finder Set AN/ARN-89
not affect proper functioning should not prevent use of
E--Test Facilities Kit MK-994/AR
the maintenance accessories kit.
F--Test Facilities Kit MK-1191/AR
Change 4