TM 11-6625-2414-15
f. Remove the chassis and plate assembly from he
2-7. Operation--Support and
fixture by loosening the four thumbscrews and
respective clamps.
2-2, and 2-3)
g. Replace appropriate gear, sprocket, and/or switch
assembly following the procedures in TM 11-5821-
The following procedures are written around
support and drill fixture SM13--625W3, ap-
plicable to Radio Set AN/ARCl 16 tuning
If a gear or sprocket was replaced, but not
control assembly repair and replacement.
its corresponding switch assembly, tempo-
These procedures supplement those found in
rarily secure the gear or sprocket to the
TM 11-5821-261-35 to aid the repairman in
switch shaft with the appropriate setscrew
properly setting up the tuning control assem-
and rotate the switch shaft approximately
bly within the fixture. Support and drill
90 degrees while observing the caution of
fixtures SMB625797 and SM-B--625806,
applicable to the tuning control assemblies
h. Secure the chassis and plate assembly in the
of Radio Set AN/ARC-l 15 and Radio Set
fixture following procedures of c and d above. as
AN/ARCl 14, respectively, are not covered
by the following procedures. The procedures
i. Position the gear or sprocket to be replaced tight
for using these fixtures are similar to those
against the V -block in the fixture. Orient the gear
below with minor variations in clamping
or sprocket so that the existing drill hole, if present,
and positioning of gears and sprockets within
is approximately 45 degrees from where the new hole
the V -blocks. Refer to TM 11-5821-260-35
will be drilled. Secure the gear or sprocket to the
and TM 11-5821-259-35 for the general pro-
switch shaft with an appropriate setscrew.
cedures in using these fixtures.
a Refer to TM 11-5821-261-35 and disassemble
For gear MP67 and shaft MP68, position
the tuning control assembly as required to remove
MP67 on MP68. Use a .003 feeler gage, so that
the rear section of the chassis and plate assembly
a .003-inch end play remains between MP67
with gears, sprockets, and switches attached.
and the chassis plate.
b. Remove the top plate from the support and drill
j. Replace the top plate on the support and drill
fixture by unscrewing the two knurled knobs and by
fixture anti tighten the two knurled knobs.
lifting the top plate straight up off studs and dowels
k. Insert the proper drill in a drill press chuck and
drill a hole through the proper gear or sprocket huh
and shaft. Guide the drill through the appropriate
Do not position the gear or sprocket lock
drill bushing.
pins in the vertical position by turning with
pliers. Damage to the gear, sprocket, or shaft
If a hole is to be drilled through gear MPH67
may result. Turn the gears or sprocket by
anti shaft MP68, secure MP68 to the V -block
hand with a heavy lint-free cloth.
by tightening the socket head setscrew down
c. Position the lock pin to be removed so that it is
onto MP68 and securing the setscrew in place
vertical to the bottom of the fixture when installed,
then position the chassis and plate assembly in the
l. Remove the top plate (b above).
fixture with bores for the counter shaft resting against
m. Insert the appropriate pin insertion tool in the
pins and shaft in the fixture and switch shafts seated in
drill press chuck and insert the appropriate lock pin
grooves in the V -block with the gears and sprocket
in the hole drilled in k above.
n. If required, insert the appropriate pin installa-
tion tool in the drill press chuck and position the lock
Only gear MP45, sprocket MP55, and gear
pin as called for in TM 11-5821-261-35.
MP65 will seat tight against the V -block.
o. Remove the chassis and plate assembly from
d. Tighten the four thumbscrews to secure the
the fixture (f above) and remove the setscrew from
chassis and plate assembly to the fixture by means of
the gear or sprocket.
p. Refer to TM 11-5821-261-35 anti reassemble the
c. Insert the proper pin removal tool in a drill press
tuning control assembly as required.
chuck and press out the applicable lock pin.