TM 11-6625-2414-15
Used on
Generic name
Tuning control assembly repair
Screw, set, 2-56 x 3/32 -------------------------------------A,B,C
Tuning control assembly repair
Screw, set, 4-40 x 1/8 ------------------------C
InsalI crescent rings
Installationtion tool, crescent ring 0120 -------------A, B, C
InstalI crescent rings
Installation tool, crescent ring 0180 -------------A, B, C
Remove crescent rings
Removal tool, crescent ring 0120 ----------------- A, B, C
Remove crescent rings
Removal tool, crescent ring 0180 ---------------- A, B, C
Tuning control assembly repair, gear removal
PulIer, gear - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tuning control assembly repair, pin remval/
Insertion tool, pin, 0.046; installation tool, ------A, B
pin, 0.046; installation tool; sprocket pin
0.046; and removal tool, pin, 0.046
Counter dial alignment
Fixture, number alignment (AN/ARC-114) --------A
Counter dial alignment
Fixture, number alignment (AN/ARC-115) -------- B
Counter dial alignment
F i x t u r e , number alignment (A/ARC-116) -------C
Fixture, backlash -----------------------------------------------------
Tuning control assembly gear alignment
Install sprocket on shaft
Installation tool, sprocket ---------------------- A
Tuning/channel alignment
Drift pin, gear aligning ------------------------A
Dzus/guide pin alignment
Fixture, electrical equipment (AN/ARC-l 14)------ A
Dzus/guide pin alignment
Fixture, electrical equipment (AN/ARC-l 15)------ B
Filter nut removal
Wrench, open end, box, 7/16-3/8 modified ------A
Insertion tool, pin, 0.062; installation tool,
pin, 0.062; removal tool, pin, 0.062;
installation tool, drive pin; removal tool,
drive pin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . A
Tuning control assembly repair
Installation tool, drive pin---------------------- A
Removal tool, drive pin ------------------------A
A c c e s s o r y case assembly ------------------------ F
Holds smalI adapters of maintenance accessories kit
Bottle assembly, screw cap (SM-B-694438) -------- F
Holds small tools of maintenance accessories kit
Holds smalI tools of maintenance accessories kit
Tuning control assembly repair
g. Squeeze handles together until the positive
2-5. Operation-Crimping Tool, MS3191-1
stop is reached. Tool will release and return to
open position.
h. Remove crimped contract and wire.
There are no adjustments to be made on
crimping tool. Never attempt to disas-
2-6. Operation--Crimping Tool-612118
semble tool or loosen or tighten elastic
stop nuts on back of tool.
a. Place tool in open position (close handles
Never attempt to disassemble tool or
to trip ratchet, then release pressure).
loosen or tighten elastic stop nuts on
b. Loosen slide locking screw then pull slide
back of tool.
to open position.
c. Pull positioner release all the way down
a. Loosen latch locking screw then pull latch
against spring pressure, and insert desired
to open position.
b. Select desired locator (locators are stamped
with part numbers ) and place in position.
c. Slide latch to closed position then tighten
Use proper positioner for each contact size in
locking screw.
tool. Positioners are color coded and stamped for
d. Observe microcrimp indicator. Reset in-
proper contact size identification. Store position-
denter setting if necessary by pulling on micro-
ers in handle when not in use by removing
crimp adjusting knob and rotating until desired
spring loaded plug.
setting is obtained. Release knob in detent.
d. Mate flat on flange of positioner with flat
e. Open tool then insert prepared contact and
in handle.
wire through the indenter opening into position.
e. Push slide to closed position and tighten
f. Squeeze handles together until the positive
slide locking screw.
stop is reached. Tool will then release and re-
f. Insert prepared contact and wire through
turn to open position.
the indenter opening into poitioner.
g. Remove crimped contact and wire.
Change 2