TM 11-6625-920-12
a n d test equipment, a n d the equipment under
1-7. Description of Equipment
test. The various tests are accomplished 1 by set-
The maintenance kit consists of Heading-Radio
ting the maintenance kit switches, standard test
B e a r i n g Indicator ID-1351/A and Communica-
e q u i p m e n t controls, a n d equipment under test
tion System Control C-6533/ARC, and the front
controls to the proper positions and interpreting
panel and chassis assembly housed in an impact
t h e results. Heading-Radio Bearing Indicator
plastic case (fig- l-l)- The front panel and chas-
ID-1351/A and Communication System Control
sis assembly contains the controls and termina-
C-6533/ARC are mounted on the front panel and
tion devices necessary to apply power and con-
are electrically connected to the maintenance kit
n e c t the equipment under test to the standard
test equipment- The necessary test cables, adap-
t e r s , extractor tools, spares, and the mainte-
c. The NIK-994A/AR also contains an Intercon-
n a n c e kit operation and maintenance manuals
necting Box J-4247/AR that interfaces the test set
are stored in the case cover-
with components of the AN/ARC-186(V) Radio Set-
1-8. Description of Major Assemblies
a. Refer to TM 11-6605-202-12 for the de-
1-9. Description of Minor Assemblies
s c r i p t i o n of Heading-Radio Bearing Indicator
ID-1351/A; also, refer to TM 11-5821-262-20 for
The minor assemblies or components of the
the description of Communication System Corl-
maintenance kit are shown in figure 1-2. Elec-
trol C-6533/ARC.
t r i c a l interfaces between the maintenance kit,
the repair shop facilities, the equipment under
b. The front panel and chassis assembly con-
t e s t , and the standard test equipment are pro-
tains the selector switches, mating connectors,
vided by the maintenance kit test cable: that are
circuit breakers, terminations, electrical compo-
s u p p l i e d as part of the maintenance kit- The
nents, adapters, and wiring necessary to provide
char-t below, l i s t s the test cables by reference
i n t e r c o n n e c t i o n s and switching between the
designation and identifies the normal connection
s t a n d a r d test equipment and the electronic
points- All cables are labeled and connectors are
equipment under test- Test cables are provided
keyed for proper use-
to interconnect the maintenance kit, the stancl-
(maintenance kit)
Direction Finder Set AN/
AN/ URM-25D or
RF coaxial
Cable Assembly, Radio Fre-
ARN89 Internal test
quency CG-34751U (6 ft).
Radio Set AN/-\ RC-ll4,
AN/A Rc-115, ANIARC-
116 or AN/ARC-164 inter-
nal test points-
W2, W3 Cable Assembly, Special
J1 on Radio Set AN/ARC-
Jl or J2 . ... . . .
Signal and power
Purpose, Electrical CX-
10889/u (3 ft)-
1J1 on Radio Recceiver R-
J4 . . . . .. . . . . . .
Signal and power
Cable Assembly, Special
Purpose, Electrical CX-
10890/U (3 ft).
J1 on Radio Set AN/ARC-
Jl or J2 . . . . . . . .
W5, W6 Cable Assembly, Special
Signal and power
115 or J1 on Radio Set
Purpose, Electrical CX-
10891/U (3 ft.)
1J2 on Radio Receiver R-
J5 . . . . . . . . .
W7, W8 Cable Assembly, Special
Signal and power
Purpose, - Electrical CX-
10892/U (3 ft).
2J1 on Radio Set Control
J6 .. .. . . . . . .
J1 on Communication System
J3. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Signal and power
Cable Assembly, Special
Control C-6533 ARC-
Purpose, Electrical CX-
10893/AR (3 ft).
J 9 . . . . . . ..
RF coaxial signal
Cable Assembly, Radio Fre-
quency CG-3477/U (4 ft).
Change 5