TM 11-6625-928-12
b- Equipment List (cont.)
Application requirements
N o m e n c l a t u r e and type d e s i g n a t i o n
Frequency range-2 to 1,000
RF power output meter for
tests of Radio Sets AN/
Power range--O to 10, 50, 100,
ARC-114, AN/ARc-115,
500 watts
and AN/ARC116-
Frequency deviation meter
Frequency range-20 to 1,000
Meter, Modulation ME-57/U* (F)
for Radio Set AN/ARC-
114 testing-
Deviation, full-scale--20, 50,
100, 300, 1,000 KHz
Input sensitivity-0-005 v re-
quired for limiting
For monitoring audio and
Headset, Microphone H-10IA/U (F)
Frequency range--300 to 6,000
sidetone outputs of SLAE.
Voltage--0 to 36 v dc
For maintenance kit and
Power source, dc (F)
SLAE operation-
Current--10 amp
For maintenance kit and
Voltage--l15v 5
Power source, ac (F)
SLAE operation-
Frequency--400 Hz, singlephase
Current--0-5 amp
Voltage range: O to 1,000 v ac
and dc
uring device for SLAE
Accuracy: 3% in dc ranges, 4%
on ac ranges
Distortion measurement range:
Spectrum Analyzer TS-723A/ U' (F)
Distortion measuring device
any fundamental frequency,
for SLAE testing-
20 Hz to 20 kHz
required breakout
Maintenance Accessories Kit MK-1192/
Provides test facilities for
boxes, cables, and special tools
ARM' (F)
checking SLAE.
for direct support testing-
Test Facilities Kit MK-1191/AR (H)
Provide test facilities and
boxes, cables, and special tools
tools for checking and re-
for general support
pairing SLAE.
Detector DT-307/G (F)
Frequency range: 0-1 to 1,000
Used for performing adjust-
ments of SLAE.
Voltage: 3 v rms (max)
Wattmet-er AN/USM-260" (D)
Frequency: 10 MHz--10 GHz
Used for testing and per-
forming adjustments of
Power: 0-10 mw
Accuracy: 3?'- full scale
Used for performing adjust-
ments of SLAE-
Input: CW, fm, am, pluse
Output: 1 v rms into 1,000 ohms
Variable Attenuator CN-318/Gs (F)
Frequency: 100 MHz to 4 GHz
Used during testing of SLAE-
Power: 0-5 w
Meter, Marconi TF23001 (D)
Used during testing of SLAE-
Carrier frequency range: 4 to
500 MHz
Carrier frequency range: 4 to
1,000 MHz
Deviation: 5, 15, 50, 150 and 500
Used during testing of SLAE.
Indicator, Standing Wave Ratio
Sensitivity: 0-1 v at 200 ohms
IM-157/U (H)
for full-scale deflection
Range: 70 db
Accuracy : 0.1 db per 10 db
steps, maximum accumulative
error of 0.2 db
Change 1 1-7