TM 11-6625-928-12
Controls, Indicators,
(fig. 2-2)
Control, indicator, or connector
Sw pos
AC POWER input circuit breaker, 0-6
power to 115-volt, 400-cps, single-phase
t r a n s f o r m e r circuit-
OFF ______________ Removes power from 116-volt, 400-cps, single-phase
t r a n s f o r m e r circuit-
ON ________________Applies dc power to circuits and connectors of
D C POWER input circuit breaker, 10,0
m a i n t e n a n c e kit-
OFF _______________ Removes dc power from circuits and connectors of
m a i n t e n a n c e kit-
Indicates when dc power is applied to maintenance kit through circuit
l a m p , red, DS3-
Indicates when ac power is applied to maintenance kit through circuit
l a m p , red, DS1-
I n t e r f a c e connector for 115-volt, 400-cPs, single-phase supply from
r e p a i r facility-
connector J27, ten pin-
I n t e r f a c e connector for 27-6-volt dc power from repair facility-
c o n n e c t m r J28, three pin-
XCVR _____________ Permits checking of radio sets in all modes except
h o m i n g mode. Used in conjunction with RADIO
s e l e c t o r switch (four-position rotary)-
TEST switch.
H O M I N G LEFT -Connects external rf signal generator output signal
from signal input connector J12 to radio set under
test through SIGNAL OUTPUT LEFT and
RIGHT connectors- Output at connector J14 is
attenuated 3 db more than output at connector J13-
Same as HOMING LEFT except that output at
connector J13 is attenuated 3 db more than output
a t connector J14-
Same as HOMING LEFT and RIGHT except that
o u t p u t s at connectors J13 and J14 are equal-
1 _________________Connects X mode guard rcvr output signal of radio
RADIO TEST selector switch (12-
set under test from RADIO SET NO. 1 connector
position rotary )-
J 1 to RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18.
2 ______________
Connects retransmit audio output signal of radio
set under test from RADIO SET NO. 1 connector
J 1 to RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18. The
retransmit control output signal of radio set under
t e s t from RADIO SET No- 1 connector J1 con-
trols operation of the CONTROL SIGNAL in-
d i c a t o r lamp by connecting a ground whenever
s i g n a l strength is adequate-
3 _____________
Connectscts X mode receive audio output signal of
radio set under test from RADIO SET NO- 1
connector J1 to RADIO TEST OUTPUT con-
nector J18- Connects an internal ground terminal
to X mode control circuit of radio set under test
Connects J17 to Jl-J for X mode
transmit tests-
4 _______________ W i t h R A D I O A N T E N N A F U N C T I O N s w i t c h i n
XCVR position, the radio set under test is changed
to transmit mode and connects T/R ANTENNA
o u t p u t to the wattrneter- Connects external audio
o s c i l l a t o r signal from RADIO TEST INPUT con-
nector J 17 to the retransmit audio input of radio
s e t under test through RADIO SET NO- 1 con-
nector J1- Permits monitoring the retransmit
a u d i o input from RADIO SET NO- 2 connector
J 2 at RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18-
2-4 Change 3