TM 11-6625-928-12
Su pos
Control, indicator, or connector
from RADIO TEST INPUT connector J 17 to X
mode through RADIO SET NO- 1 connector J1-
also provides a+6-8 vdc main receiver agc disable
signal for radio set under test-
Connects received audio output signal of radio set
under test from RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1
to RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18.
Provides a +6-8-volt guard receiver agc disable for
radio set under test.
Connects homing enable output signal of radio set
under test from RADIO SET NO- 1 connector J1
to RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18.
Connects band switch output signal of radio set
under test from RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1
to RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18.
Connects antenna tuner test 1-5 MHz output signal
of radio set under test from RADIO SET NO- 1
connector J1 to RADIO TEST OUTPUT
connector J18.
Connects antenna tuner test 6-10 MHz output
signal of radio set under test from RADIO SET
NO 1 connector J1 to RADIO TEST OUTPUT
connector J18-
the RADIO TEST selector switch-
Provides for connection of an external audio oscillator
RADIO TEST INPUT connector J17 (two-pin).
signal output to radio set under test-
Provides for connection of an external multlmet-er for
RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18 (two-pin)
monit-cmng the output from radio set under test-
POWER METER OUTPUT connector J9 (coaxial)
Provides for connection between an external wattmeter
output and an Interrnal 50-ohm dummy load.
POWER METER lNPUT connector J10 (coaxial).
Provides for connection of an external wattmeter Input to
enable power output measurements of the radio set
under test
T/R ANTENNA connector J11 (coaxial)
Provides for connection of RF Input/output signal of radio
set under test-
SIGNAL lNPIJTconnect-or J12 (coaxial)
Provides for connection of an external signal generator
output to provide Input signals LO the radio set under
Provides for connection of homing antenna Input of radio
SIGNAL OUTPUT LEFT connector J13 (coaxial)
set under test
Provides for connection of homing antenna Input of radio
SIGNAL OUTPUT RIGHT connector J14 (coaxial)
set under test
HEADSETS 1 switch ( three-position
Places radio set or communication connrol No- 2 under test
and COMM CONT NO. 1 In receive mode of operation-
Enables microphone amplifier in COMM CONT NO. 1 for
intercom operation- Radio set or communication control
No- 2 under test IS In receive mode of operation-
Enables microphone amplifier in COMM CONT NO. 1 for
transmit operation Places radio set under test,
c o n n e c t e d to RADIO SET NO. 1 connector Jl, in
transmit mode of operation- Communication control No-
2 under test remains in receive mode of operation- If
COMM CONT NO. 1 seletor switch is in ICS position,
intercom operation is accomplished when HEADSETS 1
or 2 switch is placed to TRANSMIT-
H E A D S E T S 2 switch (three-position
Places radio set or communication control No- 2 under test
and COMM CONT NO. 1 in receive mode of operation-
Enables microphone amplifier in communication control
No. 2 under test for intercom operation Radio set under
Change 2 2-5