TM 11-462S-928-12
b- Equipment List (cont.)
Nomenclature and type daignation
Frequency range: (vhf wide
Used for performing adjust-
ments of SLAE.
and narrow) 500 kHz to 400
Sweep width: (vhf narrow) 10
kHz or less to 400 MHz or
Output voltage : (vhf) 0-25 V
rms (rein) into 50-ohm load
Spectrum Analyzer Set AN/ UPM84A'
Used for testing and per-
forming adjustments on
Spectrum widths: 10 calibrated
spectrum widths, 100 kHz to
2 GHz in a 1, 3, 10 sequency
to 1 GHz
Frequency range: 10 to 600
Noise Source
Used for performing adjust-
Hewlett-Packard 343A*
ments on SLAE.
Excess noise: 5.2 db 0.25 db,
200 to 400 MHz
Noise figure range: 5.2 db noise
Noise Figure Meter
Used for performing adjust-
source, O to 15 db, indication
Hewlett-Packard 340B'
ments on SLAE-
to infinity
Input frequency: 30 or 60 MHz,
selected by switch
Input voltage: 4 to 6 v dc
Circuit Breaker
Used to limit current during
Break current range: 10 to
Sensi-tronics 200'
test and adjustment on
1,000 ma
Break speed: approx 1 sec
Directional Coupler
Used for testing and per-
Narda 3000-20*
forming adjustments on
Coupling: 20 db
0.1 db
Used for performing adjust-
Microlab AD1ON'
ments on SLAE-
Power rating: 10 watts
Used for performing adjust-
Frequency range: 1 MHz to 1
Hewlett-Packard 8406A'
ments on SLAE-
Max ac input: 2 v peak
Max dc input: 5O v
Voltage ratio accuracy: less
than 0.2 db
Phase range: 360o
Phase accuracy: &1-5" (at sin
gle frequency)
l Not required for maintenance for MK-994/AR-
1-8 Change 1