TM 11-6625-928-35
g. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 1, the
nector J1-Z for use as the retransmit control input
X-mode guard receiver audio output signal from the
signal. With the radio set connected to connector J1
radio set under test is applied through RADIO SET
and set for retransmit, the retransmit control input
NO. 1 connector J1-b and switch S2C to RADIO
signal applied through connector J1-Z will energize
TEST OUTPUT connector J18-A. A ground from
the tr relay in the radio set. An interlock is provided
E17 is applied through TB2-9, 10, 11, and 12 to
for the transmit mode of operation. RADIO AN-
RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18-B (E, fig.
TENNA FUNCTION switch S1 must be set to
5-2). A
voltmeter connected to connector
J18 pro-
XCVR to permit a radio set under test to be placed
vides for measurement of the X-mode guard receiver
in the transmit mode of operation. Switch S1 XCVR
output of the radio set under test.
position applies +28 volts to relay K1 coil terminal
Xl. Relay K1 is energized by grounding relay K1
h. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 2, the
coil terminal X2. When K1 is deenergized, the trans-
retransmit audio receive signal from the radio set
mit control and retransmit control signals will not
under test at RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1 is
be applied to the radio set under test. With the tr
applied through connector J1-X and switch S2C,
relay in the radio set energized, the radio set under
and the retransmit audio signal from the radio set
under test at RADIO SET NO. 2 connector J2 is
test is in the transmit mode and transmit audio sig-
applied through connector J2-Y and switch S2C to
nals are picked up by Headset-Microphone H-
101A/U connected to HEADSETS 1 connector J15
RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18 and can be
monitored on a voltmeter connected to connector
J18. A retransmit control signal from connector Jl-H-
Microphone H-101A/U is applied through cable
W20 or W21, HEADSETS 1 connectors J15-A and
is applied through switch S2E to CONTROL
C, and COMM CONT NO. 1 connectors J1-A and C
SIGNAL light DS2 causing the lamp to light. This
retransmit control signal is also applied to connector
to the microphone amplifier input, where it is ampli-
fied and applied through connector J1-F, L, P, R, or
J2Z to operate a second radio set in the retransmit
V, depending on the position of the COMM CONT
NO. 1 selector switch, terminal `board TB3-8, and
i. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 3, the
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-K to the radio set
-X-mode receiver output signal from the radio set
under test where it is gated, amplified, and reapplied
under test is applied through RADIO SET NO. 1
to connector J1-d (C, fig. 5-2). The transmit audio
connector J1-c and switch S2C to RADIO TEST
sidetone on connector J1-d is amplified and moni-
OUTPUT connector J18. A ground (X-mode con-
tored as explained in b above.
trol) from E15 is also applied through TB3-6,
d. With the radio set under test in the transmit
TB3-5, and switch S2D to connector J1-g (E, fig.
mode, radio set RF output is applied through T/R
5-2). This ground at connector J1-g
enables the
ANTENNA connector J11 and closed contacts B2
X-mode receiver output circuit. Connector J17
and B1 of relay K1 to POWER METER INPUT
i s also connected to J1-J providing
connector J10 (A, fig. 5-2). Relay K1 is energized
a u d i o for X-mode transmit function.
as explained in c above. The RF from connector
j. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 4 and
J10 may be applied through cable W10, the watt-
meter, cable W11, POWER METER OUTPUT
XCVR, relay K1 is energized (B, fig. 5-2). A ground
connector J9 and connector P3 to 51-ohm dummy
from E15 is applied through TB3-6, TB3-5, and
S2D to terminal X2 of relay K1. Relay Kl, when
of the radio set under test is indicated on the watt-
energized, provides a ground to RADIO SET NO. 1
meter when HEADSETS 1 switch. S6 is held at
connector J1-Z (c above). A ground may also be
applied to connector J1-Z from RADIO SET NO. 2
e. With the radio set under test in the receive
connector J2H when operating two radio sets in the
mode, the am or fm generator output test signal at
retransmit mode. With a ground on connector J1-Z
SIGNAL INPUT connector J12 is applied to the
and the radio set function switch set to RETRANS,
radio set under test (A, fig. 5-2), as explained in
the transmit-receive relay in the radio set under test
a above.
is energized and the radio set is in the transmit
f. RADIO TEST switch S2 may be set at any of
mode. The output from an audio generator con-
12 positions. When in position
nected to RADIO TEST INPUT connector J17 (E,
switch S2 has no effect on the maintenance kit since
fig. 5-2) is applied to
connector J1-Y through
no circuit is established by any of the switch sections
S2A. Retransmit audio may also be applied to
(E, fig. 5-2). Effects of switch S2 on the maintenance
connector J1-Y from RADIO SET NO. 2 connector
kit operation are covered in paragraphs g through
J2-X when operating two radio sets in the retransmit
p below.
mode. Received audio may be monitored at RADIO
TEST OUTPUT connector J18 during tests (E, fig.
Change 6