TM 11-6625-928-35
The output at ADF SENSE ANTENNA connec-
the automatic direction finder (adf) control. Test
tor J26 is attenuated 3 db more than the outputs
c a b l e CX-10892/U connects the ADF RCVR
a t ADF LOOP ANTENNA X connector J24,
TEST connector J5 to adf receiver connector
and ADF LOOP ANTENNA Y connector J25.
lJ2. A second test cable CX10892/U connects
ADF CONTROL TEST connector J6 to adf con-
(2) With ADF antenna function switch S5
trol connector 2J1. ADF/GYRO connector J4
set to ANT, relay K3 is energized and relays K4
must be connected to adf receiver connector lJ1
and K5 are deenergized. The RF generator out-
put signal, applied through closed contacts B2
to maintenance kit ADF TEST RCVR connector
and B1 of energized relay K3, is applied to the
J21 permits monitoring output signals of the adf
adf receiver through ADF SENSE ANTENNA
receiver. External test equipment connected to
connector J26 and cable CG-3482/U. The RF
the maintenance kit ADF TEST CONTROL con-
generator output signal, applied through closed
nector J22 permits monitoring output signals of
contacts B2 and B3 of deenergized relays K4 and
the adf control. The output signals applied to
K5, is terminated with 51-ohm resistors R2 and
connectors J21 and J22 for monitoring are se-
R3, respectively.
lected by the ADF TEST switch. The adf sense
(3) With ADF antenna function switch S5
antenna and the adf loop antenna inputs to the
set to LOOP, relays K4 and K5 are energized and
adf receiver must be connected to the mainte-
relay K3 is deenergized. The RF generator out-
nance kit as indicated in the chart below:
put signal, applied through closed contacts B2
Adf receiver
and B1 of energized relays K4 and K5, is ap-
Maintenance kit connector
plied to the adf receiver through ADF LOOP
A N T E N N A X connector J24 and cable CG-
3 4 7 9 / U , and ADF LOOP ANTENNA Y con-
nector J25 and cable CG-3481/U respectively.
b. An RF generator, connected to ADF SIG-
The RF generator output signal, applied through
closed contacts B2 and B3 of deenergized relay
plies the necessary input signals to the adf re-
K3, is terminated with 51-ohm resistor R1.
ceiver (sense, X-loop, or Y-loop antenna inputs)
(4) With ADF antenna function switch S5
through the maintenance kit circuitry and test
set to X, relay K4 is energized and relays K3 and
cables. ADF antenna function switch S5 controls
K5 are deenergized. The RF generator output
distribution of the RF generator output to ADF
signal, applied through closed contacts B2 and B1
L O O P ANTENNA X connector J24,
of energized relay K4, is applied to the adf re-
LOOP ANTENNA Y connector J25, and ADF
ceiver through ADF LOOP ANTENNA X con-
SENSE ANTENNA connector J26 as follows:
nector J24 and cable CG-3479/U. The RF gen-
(1) With ADF antenna function switch S5
erator output signal, applied through closed con-
set to COMP, +28 volts is applied to energize re-
tacts B2 and B3 of deenergized relays K3 and
lays K3, K4, and K5 (compass or antenna relay;
K5, is terminated with 51-ohm resistors R1 and
compass, loop or X-relay; and compass, loop or Y-
R3, respectively.
relay, respectively ). The input RF signal applied
(5) With ADF antenna function switch S5
to ADF SIGNAL INPUT connector J23 is ap-
set to Y, relay K5 is energized and relays K3 and
plied through connector P10 to coaxial adapters
K4 are deenergized, The RF generator output sig-
CP14 and CP10. Two outputs from CP10 connec-
nal, applied through closed contacts B2 and B1
tors P12 and P13 are applied to ADF LOOP AN-
of energized relay K5, is applied to the adf re-
ceiver through ADF LOOP ANTENNA Y com-
connators J24 and J25, respectively, through
nector J25 and cable CG3481/U. The RF gen-
closed contacts of energized relays K4 and K5.
erator output signal, applied through closed con-
The third output from coaxial adapter CP10 is
tacts B2 and B3 of deenergized relay K3, and
applied through coaxial adapters CP11, CP12,
K4 is terminated with 51-ohm resistors R1 and
CP13, attenuator AT4, connector P11, and en-
R2 respectively.
ergized relay K3 to ADF SENSE ANTENNA
connector J26. The output at this connector is
attenuated 3 db more than the output at ADF
(Hz), single-phase power from the maintenance
facility through AC POWER connector J27 and
TENNA Y connector J24 and J25, respectively.
Change 3