TM 11-6625-928-35
e. Any received audio from the adf receiver at
The 26-volt, 400-Hz output on secondary termin-
A D F / G Y R O connector J4-A (B, fig. 5-5) is
ADF TEST RCVR connector J21 for general
applied to COMM CONT NO. 1 connector Jl-
WW. The audio input line is 150 ohms above
purpose testing with ADF TEST switch S4 set to
ground (resistor A1R9) and may be monitored
6. AC POWER indicator light DS1 lights when
on a headset connected to HEADSETS 1 connec-
AC POWER circuit breaker CB1 is set to ON.
d. With ADF TEST switch S4 set to 1, the
t o r J15. To monitor this audio, the COMM
+ 2 8 - v o l t input applied through ADF RCVR
CONT NO. 1 NAV switch must be set to ON.
f. Heading-Radio Bearing Indicator ID-1351/
TEST connector J5-A can be monitored on ADF
TEST RCVR connector J21. This voltage is ap-
A, that is contained in and part of the mainten-
plied to connector J21 through switch S4A . The
ance kit, is used as an indicator during adf tests.
Its operation and maintenance is covered in TM
d c circuit is completed through ADF TEST
11-6605-202-12 and TM 11-5895-537-50. Out-
switch, S4B and connector J21-B to ground with
switch S4 set to 1, 8, 4 or 5. All pins in ADF
put signals of the adf receiver are applied to
RCVR TEST connector J5 connect to identically
H e a d i n g - R a d i o Bearing Indicator ID-1351/A
l a b e l e d pins in ADF CONTROL TEST con-
through ADF/GYRO connector J4 and the wiring
nector J6. Lines can be connected through ADF
connector J22 for monitoring purposes. With the
2-6. Interconnecting Box J-4247/AR Circuit
exception of ADF TEST switch S4 position 6 (c
above), the signals monitored on ADF TEST
The Interconnecting Box J-4247/AR constitutes a
RCVR connector J21 are outputs of the adf re-
passive network which interconnects the AN/ARC-
ceiver. All signals monitored on ADF TEST
186(V) Radio Set variations with connector J 1 of the
CONTROL connector J22 are outputs of the
MK-994A/AR Test Facilities Kit.
adf control.
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