TM 11-6625-928-35
Checks and corrective measures
Probable trouble
Troubles symptom
a. S e e 3 f a b o v e .
a. S e e 3 f a b o v e .
6 Unable to monitor output power of
radio set under test with external
b. Check continuity of associated
b. Defective wiring.
wiring and replace if necessary (A
nector J10 and POWER METER
c. Defective cable W10 or W11.
OUTPUT connector J9.
W 11. Replace if necessary (para
3-70 and h).
d. Defective attenuator AT1.
3-14c, step 2.
Replace attenuator
a. Check continuity of switch S2 and
a. Defective switch S2.
7 Unable to monitor X-mode guard
receiver output signal at RADIO
b. Check continuity of associated
b. Defective wiring.
TEST OUTPUT connector J18 with
wiring and replace if necessary (E,
signal applied to RADIO SET NO. 1
connector J1-b, and RADIO TEST
c. Defective cable W2, W3, W5 or W6.
switch S2 set to 1.
W5 and W6; replace if neceesary
a. Check continuity of switch S2 and
a. Defective switch S2.
8 Unable to monitor retransmit audio
output signal at RADIO TEST
b. Check continuity of associated
OUTPUT connector J18 with audio b. Defective wiring.
wiring and replace if necessary (E,
signal applied to RADIO SET NO. 1
connector J1-X, and RADIO TEST
c. Check continuity of cable W2,
c. Defective cable W2, W3, W5 or
switch S2 set to 2.
W3, W5 and W6; replace if neces-
a. Check CONTROL SIGNAL light
9 CONTROL SIGNAL light DS2 does
DS2 and replace if necessary (E,
not light when retransmit control
light DS2.
output signal (grd) is applied to
b. Check continuity of switch S2 and
b. Defective switch S2.
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-H
with RADIO TEST switch S2 set to
c. Check continuity of associated
c. Defective wiring.
wiring and replace if necessary (E,
a. Check continuity of switch S2 and
a. Defective switch S2.
10 X-mode control signal at RADIO SET
NO. 1 connector J l-g is not at
b. Check continuity of associated
b. Defective wiring.
ground level with RADIO TEST
wiring and replace if necessary
switch 82 set to 3.
c. Defective cable W2, W3, W5, or
W5, and W6; replace if necessary
a. Check continuity of switch S2 and
a. Defective switch S2.
11 Unable to monitor X-mode receive out-
put signal at RADIO TEST OUT-
b. Check continuity of associated
b. Defective wiring.
PUT connector J18 with signal
wiring and replace if necessary (E,
l pplied to RADIO SET NO. 1 con-
nector J l-c and RADIO TEST
switch S2 in position 3.
c. Defective cable W2, W3, W5, or
W5, and W6; replace if necessary
a. Check continuity of switch S2 and
a. Defective switch S2.
12 Unable to monitor retransmit audio at
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-Y
b. Check continuity of associated
or RADIO SET NO. 2 connector
b. Defective wiring.
wiring and replace if necessary (E,
J2-X with RADIO TEST switch S2
c. Defective cable W2, W3, W5, or
l pplied to RADIO TEST INPUT
W5, and W6; replace if necessary
connector J17.
Change 6