TM 11-6625-928-35
band switch output signal from Radio Set
k. An additional radio set may be connected to
AN/ARC- 114 under test is applied through
RADIO SET NO. 2 connector J2 to test
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-S and switch
S2C to RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18
and distortion, and transmit receive modes of
operation. Radio set No. 2 is controlled by
q. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 10, the
Communication System Control C-6533/ARC
antenna tuner test 1 to 5-MHz output signal from
connected to COMM CONT NO. 2 connector J3.
t h e radio set under test is applied through
The HEADSETS 2 connector J16 and switch S7
are used with radio set No. 2. When radio set No.
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-M and
developed across resistor R16. This signal is
2 is used as a receiver, a simple antenna, or a
applied through switch S2C to RADIO TEST
signal generator in series with a 6-db, or larger,
attenuator, must be connected directly to the
r. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 11, the
radio set antenna connector. When radio set No. 2
antenna tuner test 5 to 10-M Hz output signal
from the radio set under test is applied through
should be connected to a 50-ohm dummy load or
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-W and
developed across resistor R17. This signal is
l. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 5, the
applied through switch S2C to RADIO TEST
signal from an audio generator is applied through
R A D I O TEST INPUT connector J17, switch
s. The homing c a p a b i l i t y of Radio Set
S2A, and RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-J to
A N / A R C - 1 1 4 can also be checked by the
the radio set under test for use as the X-mode
maintenance kit. The test setup is the same as
transmit audio input (E, fig. 5-2). Also, relay K7
described in paragraph a above, except SIGNAL
is energized with switch S2 set to 5 and disables
OUTPUT LEFT connector J 13 is connected
tone modulation in the transmitter of Radio Set
through cable CG-3476/U to connector J3 on the
AN/ARC-114 under test. This action enables fm
deviation to be measured when external
R I G H T connector J14 is connected through
another cable CG-3476/U to connector J4 on the
S2 set to 5, a 6.8-volt automatic gain control (age)
disable signal is applied through switch S2B to
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-F. The 6.8-volt
switch S 1 is operated as indicated below, with
agc disable signal is required for receiver agc
RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 8 (o above).
t. W i t h R A D I O A N T E N N A F U N C T I O N
m. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 6, the
s w i t c h S1 set to HOMING BALANCE, +28
received audio input signal from the radio set
volts is applied to terminal Xl of homing balance
under test is applied through RADIO SET NO. 1
connector J l-d, TB1-4, TBl-5, and switch S2C to
relays K2 (left) and K6 (right). A ground from
E15 is applied through TB3 to terminals X2 of
RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18 (E, fig. 5-
2 ) . The received audio signal can also be
m o n i t o r e d on t h e h e a d s e t c o n n e c t e d t o
K6 energize with S1 set to HOMING BALANCE.
HEADSETS 1 connector J15 (b above).
T h e fm generator input at SIGNAL INPUT
n. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 7, a
connector J12 is applied through connector P4;
+6.8-volt automatic gain control (age) disable
coaxial adapters CP1 (9.5 db), CP8, and CP9;
signal is applied through S2B to RADIO SET
a t t e n u a t o r AT2 (12 db); adapter CP2; and
NO. 1 connectors J1-G. The +6.8-volt signal is
c o n n e c t o r P9 and P6 to relays K2 and K6,
required for guard received agc tests (pin G). The
respectively. With "both relays energized, iden-
tical signal outputs are provided to Radio Set
+6.8-volt signal is developed across Zener diode
CR1 and applied from terminal A1-E20 to switch
AND RIGHT connectors J13 and J14, respec-
monitored at RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector
tively. Radio Set AN/ARC-114 provides the
following signals to the maintenance kit: the
homing signal adequacy signal is applied through
o. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 8, the
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-A; a +28-volt
homing enable output signal from Radio Set
signal is applied through TB2-4 and connector
A N / A R C - l 14 under test is applied through
RADIO SET NO. 1 connector J1-R and switch
homing signal strength and its signal return are
S2C to RADIO TEST OUTPUT connector J18
applied through connectors J1-B and V, re-
spectively; and homing right and left steering
p. With RADIO TEST switch S2 set to 9, the
Change 5