TM 11-6625-2398-14-4
b. Shorting plug, terminations, and attenuators
7-1. General Parts Replacement Techniques
1A1AT1 and 1A1A2AT1 through AT6, and cables
All components of the test facilities set that are
1A1A2W1 through W7.
repairable can be easily replaced. Parts located in hybrid
attenuator assembly lAlAl (fig. 7-1), are accessible when
the chassis is removed from its case. Repair parts,
7-3. Tools and Kits Required
special tools, test, and support equipment are listed in
appendix C. Refer to appendix C for all illustrations
Tools and kits required to repair components and
assemblies of the test facilities set are listed below:
required for disassembly and reassembly procedures.
7-2. Nonrepairable
Tool or kit
Technical manual
Components The following components of the test
Tool Kit, Electronic
SC 5180-91-CL-S21
facilities set are nonrepairable:
Equipment TK-100/G
a. Adapters 1A1A2CP1 through CP16
Repair Kit, Printed
SC 5999-91-CL-F01
Wiring Board MK-772/U