TM 11-6625-2398-14-4
Figure 7-1. Hybrid Attenuator Assembly JAIA1, Internal View.
extractor is correct for proper insertion into the puller
7-4. Repairable Components
holes of a printed circuit board.
The following components are repairable:
a. Hybrid attenuator assembly lA1Al.
If the printed wiring on the extender card breaks, solder
b. PC board extractor 1A1A3.
a short length of copper wire across the break. Use just
enough heat to assure a well soldered bond, being
c. Fault isolation card 1A1A4.
careful not to burn the board base material.
7-7. Cable Repair Instructions
d Cables lAiW1 through W9 and 1A1A2W2 through W5.
Cable repair consists of replacement of damaged pins
and damaged connectors. If a connector is to be
replaced, all pins must be removed. If a pin is to be
7-5. Repair of Printed Circuit Board Extractor
replaced and no spare pins are available, remove an
If printed circuit board extractor 1A1A3 is bent or
unused pin from the connector to replace the damaged
misaligned, bent back into proper shape with a pair of
one. If an individual wire is broken, a spare
pliers. After bending, check that the width of the